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Announcement: Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition

Spread the word!

[1]Texas has a brand new adoptee civil rights organization: The Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition [1]—and Bastard Nation is proud to be a member. Unlike other Texas groups TxARC promises transparency, honesty–and no sell outs and deforms.

Mission statement

The Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition is a coalition of state and national organizations with a singular focus: restoring the unrestricted right of all Texas adult adoptees to obtain their own original birth certificates upon request. Each partner in the coalition commits in writing to that bottom line. Coalition partners will not support or consider provisions in OBC-related bills that discriminate against adult adoptees.

Along with BN [2], members are Equality4 Adoptees,\ [3], GLARE [4] (Gladney Adoptees for Rights and Equality), and the Adoptee Rights Law Center [5]. Organizational memberships may be expanded at a later date.

Texas is a key state. Help us bastardize it. Once Texas falls, can your state be far behind?  Sign on as a supporter of TxARC today.


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