We are happy to announce that Saving Our Sisters and Open Adoption Records Quebec has joined the official opposition to Florida’s ominous and restrictive HB357/SB576 [2]. A few days ago both signed on to the Joint Statement of Opposition [3]addressed to the bills’ sponsors and appropriate committee members.
This makes 27 national, state, and international organizations opposed and 0 (zero) organizations that support the bill unless you count the murky anonymously-operated Occupy Florida and FLAIR FB “groups” that claim legislators don’t want to hear “rights” connected to adoptees. They, instead, spout nonsense that the sealing of OBCs and other adoption records are just a matter of “policy and procedure” not “rights.” In a November 17, 2017 FB post Occupy Florida got even sillier:
But trying to kill a bill because it has a provision or two some wish was different is another silly, knee jerk reaction that reflects a lack of understanding of the political process and the multiple factors involved. *
Apparently, the fact that under these bills some Florida adoptees would not get their OBCs at all and others would have to wait 40 years after finalization to receive them is just a trivial concern. An ignorant kneejerk reaction by political simpletons who…gee, in real life, have hundreds of years of adoptee rights and adoption reform experience behind them and have actually gotten clean bills passed that have restored rights to all, not policy and favors for some. What history Occupy/FLAIR has, of course, is a mystery.
Not surprisingly, anyone who even politely disagrees or questions this flummery is banned from commenting or even blocked from the pages faster than the babysitter’s boyfriend when the car pulls up. I have more to write about this in other posts.
Here is a current list of opposition signatories. (alphabetic order)
Access Rhode Island
Adoptee Rights Campaign
Adoptee Rights Law Center
Adoption Rights Alliance (Ireland)/The Philomena Project
ALARM Network
American Adoption Congress
Banished Babies of Ireland
Bastard Nation: The Adoptee Rights Organization
California Open
Canada Open
Concerned United Birthparents
Donaldson Adoption Institute
Equal Access Oklahoma
Equality for Adoptees
FAIR – Florida Adoption Initiative Reform
Indiana Open Access
Michigan Open Access
Minnesota Coalition for Adoption Reform
Missouri Open
National Korean American Service and Education Consortium (NAKASEC)
National Center on Adoption and Permanency
Nevada Open
New York State Adoptee Equality
Open Adoption Records in Quebec
Saving Our Sisters
Trace Hentz
If your organization wants to sign on to the letter please contact Gregory Luce at greg@adopteerightslaw.com or me at marleyoas@gmail com and we will add you.
*my computer won’t let me make screen shots so this is a cut and paste.
Reject and Resist!
…MarleyGreiner, Executive Chair