Bastard Nation By-Laws 2019

Article I. Name of Organization

The name of the organization shall be Bastard Nation the Adoptee Rights Organization.

Article II. Purpose

Bastard Nation is dedicated to the recognition of the full human and civil rights of adult adoptees. Toward that end, we advocate the opening to adoptees, upon request at age of majority, of those government documents which pertain to the adoptee’s historical, genetic, and legal identity, including the unaltered original birth certificate and adoption decree. Bastard Nation asserts that it is the right of people everywhere to have their official original birth records unaltered and free from falsification, and that the adoptive status of any person should not prohibit him or her from choosing to exercise that right. We have reclaimed the badge of bastardy placed on us by those who would attempt to shame us; we see nothing shameful in having been born out of wedlock or in being adopted. Bastard Nation does not support mandated mutual consent registries or intermediary systems in place of unconditional open records, nor any other system that is less than access on demand to the adult adoptee, without condition, and without qualification.

Article III. Membership

Section 1. Membership Dues and Requirements

Membership in Bastard Nation is open to anyone who supports our mission. The Executive Committee may create a membership structure or classes of membership if it deems it necessary.

Section 2. Good Standing

A member in good standing is one who consistently supports Bastard Nation initiatives, policies, and programs.

Section 3. Revocation of Membership

Before revoking a membership, a committee consisting of the Executive Chair and Executive Co-chairs of Bastard Nation, shall confer, with the allegedly offending member as part of the discussions, and inquire into the situation. The following reasons are considered valid for revoking membership:

  • open and consistent disagreement with Bastard Nation or its purposes to the point of disrupting the operation of the organization
  • conduct likely to bring disgrace or disrepute upon Bastard Nation

Section 4. Authority

No member of the organization shall speak in the name of or encumber the funds of Bastard Nation unless such power is specifically granted by a formal action of the Executive Committee.

Article IV. Standing Committees, Nominations and Vacancies

Section 1. Who may be nominated

No one may be nominated for a position within Bastard Nation unless they are a member in good standing of the organization.and have a proven record in their support of adoptee rights.

Section 2. Nomination and appointment of Standing Committee Chair and members

Nominations for vacant Chairs and slots of a Standing Committee may be made by any member of the organization directly to any member of the Executive Committee or by a member of the Executive Committee itself. Results will be decided by a vote of the Executive Committee consulting with members and/ or the Chair of the Standing Committee. The election may be held by email, phone or video and my be recorded electronically and reported in the Minutes. Members of standing committees and ad hoc committees may not block other committee members and the Executive Committee from social media accounts and email. Blocking will result in expulsion from all committees.

Section 3. Nomination and appointment of Executive Chair Chair and Executive Committee members

Nominations for a vacant Executive Committee Chair and slots on the Executive Committee may be made by any member of the organization directly to any member of the Executive Committee or by a member of the Executive Committee itself. Results will be decided by a vote of the Executive Committee In the case of the Executive Committee, the Executive Chair may unilaterally choose to appoint a Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer from the committee and Executive Committee members with no designated duties.A simple majority among the Executive Committee is required to remove another Executive Committee member. Removal of the Executive Chair can only be achieved by a call for removal by a member of the Executive Committee followed by a majority vote for removal. The election may be held by email, phone or video and may be recorded electronically and reported in the Minutes.

Section 4. Role

The Executive Committee shall act for this organization in all matters. The Executive Committee is authorized to adopt a budget, approve disbursements, and establish dues and assessments. The Executive Committee shall retain veto power over all decisions, publications and any and all matters related to the organization.

Section 5. Meetings

Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be called by the Executive Chair at their discretion or upon request of any member of the Executive Committee. The Secretary will maintain minutes, or archive email correspondence and /or chat logs of official meetings.

Article V. Legislative Committee

Section 1. Members

The Legislative Committee shall consist of at least one member of the Executive Committee, a Chair and Co-chair who may be members of the Executive Committee and additional members not to exceed 12.

Section 2. Role

The Legislative Committee is responsible for tracking and reporting to the Legislative Chair and Executive Committee all existing proposed and pending legislation related to adoption records and other legislative interests. The Legislative Committee will coordinate efforts to contact legislators, lobby for and against specific bills, and draft and/or introduce model legislation in various states or provinces if needed.

Section 3. Meetings

Meetings of the Legislative Committee shall be called by the Legislative Chair or Co-chair at their discretion. The Legislative Co-chair will maintain Minutes of each official meeting,

Article V. Ad Hoc Committees

The Executive Committee may from time to time, by resolution adopted by a majority of the Executive Committee, appoint one or more Ad Hoc Committees to perform such functions as may be designated in said resolution.

Article VI. Finances

Section 1. Responsibility

The Treasurer shall manage and control the property/finances of the organization under the authority of the Executive Committee. Under Article V the Executive Committee is authorized to adopt a budget, approve disbursements, and establish dues and assessments. Since this is a specific constitutional authorization, the Committee’s fiscal responsibility cannot be repudiated.

Section 2. Member Dues

Authority: Bylaws  Article V Section 2, authorizes the Executive Committee, if it deems necessary to establish dues and assessments for membership.

Section 3. Other Sources of Income

The sources of income vary from year to year depending on the activities of the Association and the general economic climate.

  • Donations and bequests from groups or individuals
  • Sale of merchandise related to Bastard Nation
  • Speakers and service fees

Section 4. General Fund

The organization maintains a General Account and all monies not expended at the end of a budget year and not otherwise restricted revert to this fund. The organization may maintain Special Accounts for activities that are one-time in nature.

Section 5: Payment Authorizations

All expenditures over $150.00 must be reviewed and approved by the Executive Committee before authorization. Only the Treasurer may disburse funds of the organization. No Treasury funds will be disbursed except on receipt of a per-approved voucher statement from the Executive Chair which makes clear who incurred the obligation, for what purpose, and to what account it is to be charged.

Section 6: Liability

The organization shall not pay, assume, or become responsible for the personal unapproved debts or liabilities of any individual member of the organization.

Section 7 Assets

The organization may accumulate assets by prior approval of the Executive Committee. Assets shall be used only for the business of the organization, unless otherwise agreed by the Executive Committee. Assets shall not be disposed of without prior approval of the Executive Committee, and then only in accordance with the State of Washington Not-for-Profit Corporation Act and the provisions set forth in the Articles of Incorporation as from time to time amended.

Article VII Document Availability

The organization will provide copies of requested documents of the organization in accordance with state and federal law governing nonprofit tax-exempt organizations.

Article VIII. Group Dissolution

A recommendation to dissolve the organization may only be made by the Executive Committee.

Upon dissolution of the organization, any assets will be disposed of in accordance with the State of Washington Not-for-Profit-Corporation Act and Section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Article IX. Alteration of Bylaws and Mission Statement

The power to alter, amend or repeal the bylaws and mission statement or to adopt new bylaws will be vested in the Executive Committee.

Originally approved by the Bastard Nation Executive Committee on October 11, 1996. Updated by the Bastard Nation Executive Committee on August 20, 2019

Executive Committee

Marley Greiner, Executive Chair
Mari Tatlow Steed, Vice President
Marla Paul, Secretary
Annette O’Connell, Treasurer

Copyright 1996, 1997, 2019 Bastard Nation

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