Connecticut and Alaska have Safe Haven Baby Box bill hearings scheduled for February 20, 2025. We need your help now…Safe Haven Baby Boxes are a direct attack on the adoptee rights movement and bastards who speak their own truth. This year, as you will see by the 2025 Legislation page, the country is being blitzkrieged with baby box bills. Currently there are 316 boxes in the US. 55 newborns have been caught and erased from their own histories and birth records. The adoptee voice has been virtually ignored by baby abandonment box promotors who say that adopted people who oppose are “mentally unstable.” Let your voice be heard now and show them who is really unstable.
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Bastard Nation Action Alert: Utah HB129 Clean OBC Bill, House Vote on February 4, 2025
Tomorrow is the big day in Utah! (February 4, 2025)
The House floor will vote on HB 129, a bill to restore the right of all Utah-born adoptees to obtain their Original Birth Certificates and other material without restrictions of conditions. Yes, you read that right: UTAH! The bill passed the House Judiciary Commitee 9-1-1.
Continue readingNorth Dakota: Bastard Nation’s Letter in Support of SB2284–Clean OBC Access Bill–Senate Judiciary Committee. February 4, 2025
These legal procedures in the current law are archaic, humiliating, time-consuming, infantilizing, in the extreme, and rarely successful. They can also be expensive. The current law promotes the pernicious idea that adopted people are dangerous—so dangerous– that they cannot be trusted with their own birth certificates and personal information about themselves less they harm others. The Not Adopted, of course, are not mandated to withstand bureaucratic scrutiny to receive their birth certificates.
Continue readingBastard Nation Emergency Action Alert: Keep Adoptee Rights Safe in Oregon. Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes.
Oregon is by far, the gold standard for adoptee equal rights in US. The Oregon adopted automatically expect to be treated with dignity and respect.
This record is now in danger with the introduction of HB 2901, a bill to legalize the use of Safe Haven Baby Boxes sanitized as “newborn safety devices”. A previous bill went nowhere. This bill has legs, and it is moving fast–reportedly a bi-partisan priority.
Continue readingVirginia: Bastard Nation Letter of Support to the House HHS Committee for HB 2093. Clean OBC bill
Current Virginia law severely limits adopted people from obtaining their OBCs and other adoption information. Adoptees must petition a court for release of the information for “good cause” or a state agency can release it, again for “good cause.” “Good cause,” however, is not defined by law and is left up to individual interpretation. Both processes are humiliating, time-consuming, infantilizing, and rarely successful. They can also be expensive. The Not Adopted, of course, do not have to stand bureaucratic scrutiny to receive their birth certificates
Continue readingVirginia: House of Delegates Passes HB550. On to the Senate!
Yesterday the Virginia House passed HB550 66-32. The bill restores the right of all Virginai-born adopted people to obtain their Original Birth Certificates upon request at the age of 18. There was no floor debate. Oddly, more Republicans supported it than Democrats. The bill now goes to the Senate.
Continue readingMinnesota Becomes 15th State to Acknowledge Adoptee Birth Record Equality
Minnesota’s long history of sealed records and complicated, confusing, convoluted “rules,” including an incomprehensible intermediary system that made it nearly impossible for adoptees to obtain their Original Birth Certificates, ended Wednesday when Minnesota Governor Tim Waltz signed SF2995 an omnibus health bill that contained OBC access provisions. Those provisions came from the earlier stand-alone SF279 stuck in the Senate Health and Human Services Committee for carryover to the next session. The Minnesota Coalition for Adoption Reform (MCAR) and the Adoptee Rights Law Center directed by Minneapolis attorney Gregory Luce, negotiated with legislative leaders to get the provisions added and onto the floor of both Houses which passed the bill on May 22, 2023, the last day of the session. (Senate: 34-32; House 69-64)
Continue readingSB64: The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia, March 29, 2023
SB64 should have passed the House. The bill was a shoo-in. It had no organized opposition. Even traditional opponents agreed to remain neutral. The bill zipped through the Senate and the House Judiciary Committee unanimously. But then something happened. A small group of politicians found the right of their own state’s adopted people to obtain their own Original Birth Certificates “troublesome.” and “problematic,” or something worse. I don’t know their objections (I can guess) or who they are, though it is likely that House Speaker Jon Burns was among them. Did at least some of them have “a little something” to hide? Whatever was going on, they decided to keep Class Bastard Georgia in line. If SB64 isn’t heard and doesn’t exist on the agenda then adoptees don’t.
Continue readingCalifornia AB1302: 2nd Bastard Nation Letter of Opposition
I really have no idea what the purpose of this bill is or why it has been brought forward, but it is clearly adopteephobic, discriminatory, and frankly bigoted– and it clearly was written with no adoptee input. It has no support from any adoptee rights, adoption reform, or child welfare organization in the country. If this bill were about any other marginalized group and written without any input from them–African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, Asians, women, queers, trans, Jews, Muslims, disabled, it would never see the light of day.
Continue readingCalifornia AB1302: Already restrictive adds more restrictions and massive burreaucracy. Act Now!
In other words, in order to protect the “privacy” (don’t they mean anonymity?) of biological parents from their own offspring, the State of California, upon receipt of an adoptee request for their OBC, would send to the parents at “the best available address” a Registered or Certified letter with restricted receipt requiring a signature, enclosing a notice of the request and a birthparent permission slip. A “reminder notice” will be sent 150 days later, if the original letter generates no response.
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