Vermont HB 629 passes House; on to Senate

March 18, 2022

In a remarkable turn-around the Vermont House today passed HB 629 .a bill that restores the right of all Vermont-born adoptees to obtain their Original Birth Certificates without restrictions or conditions.  The bill also separates OBC access from the Adoption Registry, and does away with Disclosure Vetoes regarding OBC access currently on file. This is the first time that we know of where a restricted bill transformed into a clean bill and passed. The vote was 149-1.

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Idaho SB 1320: Bastard Nation Letter to House Judiciary, Rules and Administration Committee–Vote No

March 17, 2022

Bastard Nation and its members oppose SB1320 due to its discriminatory treatment of Idaho-born adoptees and its eccentric attempt to include the OBCs of intercountry adoptees whose records are maintained by the federal government.

As a prospective-only bill, SB1320 affects no adopted people living today; only those not yet born or even conceived. The law would go into effect technically around the year 2040 and leave everyone born and adopted before then locked and stuffed into the same black hole and Adoption Registry file cabinet that they are now.

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Action Alert: Idaho SB 1320 – Do Not Pass!

March 9, 2022

If you are reading this, it’s time to contact the Idaho House to oppose discriminatory SB1320, which would fail to restore access to any of the estimated 59,685 adult adoptees of Idaho! SB1320, like the failed HB59 last session, is prospective (only for future adoptions). It also allows unacceptable restrictions (such as birth parent redactions). Help us say no in Idaho to SB1320, and appeal for clean adoption reform!

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Vermont Update: (1) Bastard Nation Joins New England Adoptee Rights Coalition; (2) Last House Judiciary hearing on HB 629

March 8, 2022

Bastard Nation is happy to announce that we have joined the New England Adoptee Rights Coalition (NEAR) as a core member. Other  core members  are  the  Vermont Adoptee Rights Working Group and Adoptee Rights Law Center…Tomorrow, (March 9, 2022) the Vermont House Judiciary Committee will hold probably its last hearing on HB629 and a vote should be taken.

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Wisconsin: Bastard Nation Testimony in Support of AB502 in Assb. Committee on Children and Families, Jan 26, 2022

January 27, 2022

Current Wisconsin law permits a small number of adopted adults to obtain their OBCs upon request—subject to a restrictive process that forces them to navigate a cumbersome, difficult, infantalizing, and insulting gauntlet of conditions, arbitrary procedures, and naysayers, The state, thus, permits favor and privilege for the few, while it continues its Draconian discriminatory policy against the remaining vast majority.

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Welcome to Legislation 2022 Hell!

January 17, 2022

The Bastard Nation Legislation 2022 page is now up. The political outlook hasn’t changed much from 2021. Granted, Connecticut did free up its OBCs and Massachusetts continued to move forward on its lumbering road to victory, but other than that, 2021 was a disappointing, frustrating, dreary year. Arizona went weird, Maryland zilched, and deformers continued to stumble their baby booties through their own muck. Safe Haven Baby Box bills and Baby Boxes continued to flare up like herpes under the banner of “women demand anonymity,” the feel-good alternative for politicians who cringe over “adoptees demand rights.” Even more dismal, legislatures, blaming Covid, made discovering how to submit written testimony or to present remote or in-person an endurance test.

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Massachusetts House passes H2294. Now it’s the Senate’s turn!

November 5, 2021

Today the Massachusetts House passed H2294,  (Senate version is S1440), a bill to restore the right of all Massachusetts-born adoptees to their original birth certificates.  Current Massachusetts law allows adoptees in the state to obtain their original birth certificates without conditions or  restrictions at age 18 if they were adopted on or before July 17, 1974, or on or after January 1, 2008., This bill unseals records for those adopted between July 18, 1974, and December 31, 2008.

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Arizona Under the Bridge

July 5, 2021

The bills from the beginning were pimped by the fake adoptee advocacy group Arizona Heritage (HA!)  headed by adoptee-not-born-in Arizona-no-skin-in-the-game Britany Luna, MSW. The group went silent in public after the fix was in. Its Facebook page is now private, secret, or dead. Even more interesting the HA website hasn’t hype-hype horrayed their “victory!” The politically influential right-wing anti-abortion (and anti-queer) “traditional family values” crowd at the Center for Arizona Policy (CAP)  joined them in their adopteephobic scheme. CAP is funded in large part by the  National Christian Charitable Foundation, an organization  unded with money from Hobby Lobby.

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