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- Hijos y Madres del Silencio (Spanish)
- Hijos y Madres del Silencio “Cuadros de Busqueda” Facebook (Spanish)
- Chilean Adoptees Worldwide
- Chilean Adoptees Worldwide Facebook,
- Los Buscamos

- Chile’s ‘Children of Silence’ seek truth, CNN, October 31, 2014
- Over i
600 adoption records, at least one thousand cases of illegal adoptions between the 70s and 80sptions from Chile to Sweden investigated in ‘children of silence’ probe, The Local (Sweden), November 16, 2018
- Sweden at Epicenter of Illegal Adoptions Scandal With Chilean Children, Sputnik, December 31, 2018
- The stolen children: Hundreds’ of babies were taken from their mothers to be adopted in Sweden… through an agency later run by the man readying himself to become Prime Minister, Daily Mail, January 2, 2019
- Thousands of Chilean children were ‘stolen from their mothers and trafficked to the US, UK and other Western nations for adoption’ during the Pinochet dictatorship, investigators say, Daily Mail, January 2, 2019
- Araucanía records at least one thousand cases of illegal adoptions between the 70s and 80s, bibbiochile, January 11, 2019
- They denounce Argentina and Chile in The Hague for Mapuche genocide, Telsur, April 19, 2019
A large group of women belonging to the Mapuche community are the main champions of this complaint. | Photo: EFE) - Chile’s Stolen Children Seek Justice Over Decades of Illegal Adoptions, The Wry Ronon, June 7, 2019
We want all adopters from Chile to be reviewed, Global Adoption News, nd.
- Minister Looks at Case of Stolen Children,, September 14, 2020 (via Chilean Adoptees Worldwide
- Children who Come from Afar. NACLA, November 20, 2020
- A Chilean Adoptee intends to initiate the legal process after scandal. Adoptionland. org. January 1, 2021
- ‘I just needed to find my family’: the scandal of Chile’s stolen children, Guardian, January 26, 2021
Updated May 26, 2021