News June 11, 2024

Minnesota: OBCs Open on July 1. Join the Run-up Events!

by Marley Greiner

July 1 is just around the corner –and Minnesota adoptees will be able to obtain their Original Birth Certificates.  No exceptions. No conditions. This has been a long time coming . The law that kept OBCs  sealed was the most complicated convoluted secret and sealed records system in the US. Minnesota-based Greg Luce, founder and director of the Adoptee Rights Law Center and the Minnesota Coalition for Adoptee Rights navigated the 2023 campaign that cracked the vault.

A separate provision of the law allows intercountry adoptees whose adoptions were finalized in Minnesota to request any court documents that may be on file with the Minnesota Department of Health

Two events are scheduled to explain, educate, and celebrate the new law.

Adoptee Rights Law Center—in collaboration with the Minnesota Coalition for Adoption Reform and the Minnesota chapter of Concerned United Birthparents—is presenting three informational sessions in June to discuss Minnesota’s new birth record law and how it is going to work.  Mea Culpa:  I lost control of my time and didn’t post these dates earlier.  Meetings in St Louis Park and Minneapolis have already happened, BUT a meeting in Alexandra is scheduled for June 15. Details and registration are here.


Adoptees United is sponsoring a “hybrid mini-conference:” Challenging and Changing the Dominant Narrative of Adoption
Dates: Friday, June 28, 2024, and Saturday, June 29, 2024
Format: In-Person and Virtual
Location: Minneapolis (Open Book)
Cost: Sliding Fee of $25 – $75+ (scholarships available)

All Saturday sessions will be on Zoom.

The tentative schedule is here

Registration is here.

Comments 2
  • Thank you Marley and to all the volunteers for all the hard dedicated work that you do!
    This is a tremendous accomplishment!
    You all, Marley, have encompassed what a historic human does that will go down in history! You are ,every one, every effort, very much appreciated, and admired!

  • I am thrilled for Minnesota Adoptees!! Huge kudos to Greg Luce and Marley for such clear and steadfast advocacy over many years. As Kathy said above: you are very much appreciated! We are all grateful for your dedication and tenacity!

    We in California had our hopes dashed yet again earlier this year, but we will keep up the fight till we succeed. State by state, equal rights will eventually prevail!

    Ellen Edelson, San Francisco

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