Action Alert, News September 30, 2024

Action Alert: GO FUND ME: Help Mari Steed Get the Care She  Deserves 

by Marley Greiner

Bastard Nation Vice President Mari Tatlow Steed is an amazing human and has been a fierce advocate for adoptees here in the US, in her birthplace of Ireland, and around the world for many decades. She has been a shining star  in what can often be a dreary frustrating fight for adoptee equality– an example for us all.

This weekend Mari’s daughter Jessica sent us some very sad news:

Good afternoon all, this is Jessica, Mari’s daughter.

Unfortunately I have bad news regarding Mom. This past week she was diagnosed with Stage-IV Liver cancer and the prognosis is short.

We’d like to make Mom’s remaining time as amazing as she is. If you are able and want to help in this journey, please see the link in the comment below. Our goal is to bring her back to Philadelphia to be supported by all three of her kids, Kerry, Jessica and Alex. As well as to cover any medical expenses needed to make her comfortable.

Long term, if we can, we’d love to get her back to her home to Ireland to visit.

If her impact on your life was as great as it was on ours, please help us show that she deserves only the best over the next year.

Thank you.

Mari moved to help her daughter with her first born, and having thus retired prior to the age of Medicare benefits kicking in has no insurance.

We are now calling on all our  Bastard Nation peeps to share this and the GoFundMe

Please help if you can, Bastards! Show Mari Tatlow Steed and her family some love and support !f you can’t donate then send them all tons of Bastard love and light.

GO FUND ME: Help Mari Steed Get the Care She  Deserves 


Annette O’Connell

Mary Hunt Peret

Marley Greiner


A joint statement on behalf ofJustice for Magdalenes Research (JFMR), Adoption Rights Alliance (ARA), and the Clann Project.

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