Minnesota Becomes 15th State to Acknowledge Adoptee Birth Record Equality
by Marley Greiner
Courtesy Adoptee Rights Law Center
Minnesota’s long history of sealed records and complicated, confusing, convoluted “rules,” including an incomprehensible intermediary system that made it nearly impossible for adoptees to obtain their Original Birth Certificates, ended Wednesday when Minnesota Governor Tim Waltz signed SF2995 an omnibus health bill that contained OBC access provisions. Those provisions came from the earlier stand-alone SF1279 stuck in the Senate Health and Human Services Committee for carryover to the next session. The Minnesota Coalition for Adoption Reform (MCAR) and the Adoptee Rights Law Center directed by Minneapolis attorney Gregory Luce, negotiated with legislative leaders to get the provisions added and onto the floor of both Houses which passed the bill on May 22, 2023, the last day of the session. (Senate: 34-32; House 69-64)
Of course, OBC rights attracted the usual radical adopteephobes, shaking in their hobnail boots at the thought of terrified birthparents forced to scurry to hidey-holes in the upper reaches of the Mesabi Range or even cross into Ontario and behond to escape their birth certificate-waving now-adult youthful indiscretionaries. According to retired attorney, adoptive father, and MCAR activist Jim Hamilton (St. Paul), a long-time ally of Bastard Nation:
Lutheran Social Services and Catholic Charities showed up late in the game and asked that non-disclosure affidavits be retained. We and the chief Senate author, Erin Maye Quade, stood fast and negotiated a few minor changes. The bill had already passed its first committee at that point and been referred for inclusion in the omnibus bill.
Our most strident long-time opposition, Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life, however, didn’t show up. MCCL’s website indicates that the organization actually opposed omnibus bill (or at least the parts of it that codify and protect reproductive rights), but minded its own business regarding us. Sometimes being an afterthought or a no-thought is good.
Personally, the longstanding Minnesota law was so complicated, that for me, and perhaps others, the thought of beating it down was the kind of thing that brought on reflux and dream loops. I didn’t even like to think about it other than to say to myself that after another two dozen states surrendered to us, then Minnesota would fall. Fortunately, others thought differently. Hamilton told me:
Jim Hamilton, Minnesota Coalition for Adoption Reform
Fifteen years ago, then-Governor Tim Pawlenty vetoed a bill that would have made original birth certificates available to all but those whose records were subject to affidavits of non-disclosure. What was passed this year was the result of the efforts of a small group of dedicated adoptees, birth parents, and adoptive parents who spent those years submitting bill after bill, negotiating with opponents and interested parties, and finding legislators on both sides of the aisle willing to not only sponsor a clean bill but to take it all the way. Among them were Senator Erin Maye Quade and Representative Steve Elkins, Minnesota Coalition for Adoption Reform and Adoptee Rights Law Center
Greg Luce tweeted:
Gree Luce, Adoptee Rights Law Center
This bill has its origins in a complete redraft from 2018, which made it an unrestricted equal rights bill. First introduced in 2019, it died in committee. In 2021, the next biennium, it got pulled from committee after hearing. This biennium? #FinishLine…
The new law takes effect on July 1, 2024. The Adoptee Rights Law Center will publish a FAQ on it shortly which will discuss the changes and how to apply for the OBC. We will link it on our Minnesota State Page.
Minnesota is the 15th state to acknowledge the right of adopted people to obtain their Original Birth Certificate upon request with no conditions or restrictions.–the second victory this year. That’s 30% of the country now! South Dakota and Vermont, (passed legislation last year), will open on July 1, 2023.
Rep. Steve ElkinsSen. Erin Mae Quade
A big thank you to The Minnesota Coalition for Adoption Reform, The Adoptee Rights Law Center, Senator Erin Maye Quaid,Representative Steve Elkins, and all the people for all the years who never gave up and kept their eye on the prize.
NOTE: I apologize for my lateness in writing about the South Dakota campaign. Responsibilities and life got in the way. South Dakota is an important win and shows how ONE PERSON can make a difference. I will have something up about that in a few days.
Thank you Marley! You’re my only means of keeping up. & I am grateful. It’s been a long slow slog and I fear very little would have happened save for the resolve, diligence and fortitude of Truth Warriors such as you. So, again, Thanks!
It’s about time! Love to see the states recognize adopted people have the same rights as all other cutizens.
How does societal perception of bastards vary across different cultures and eras?Tel-U
New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, along with the Adoptee Rights Law Center and the Adoptive and Foster Family Coalition of New York. Plus strategic partner Reclaim the Records
Proud TXARC Partner
Bastard Nation is a proud partner in the Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, along with Gladney Adoptees for Rights and Equality, Texas Coalition for Adoption Reform and Education (TxCARE), and the American Adoption Congress. Plus strategic partners Adoptee Rights Law Center and Abrazo Adoption Associates.
Bastard Nation Comprehensive Policy Paper on Legalized Baby Abandonment: Baby Drop Boxes
Our new comprehensive statement on Baby Drop Boxes and their negative impact on Class Bastard, adoption, child welfare--- and our rights---is now published. Please read it. Baby Boxes are a New Wave of the future and must be stopped. They are coming to your state and you need to be prepared.
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Reading Room
Visit our refurbished and expanded Bastard Nation Reading Room and become a Well-Read Bastard. Start with The Bastard Chronicles: 20 Years of Adoptee Equality Activism in the U.S.and the Birth of a Bastard Nation, compiled and edited by Marla Paul. The Bastard Chronicles is a primer for adoptee equality. Print edition available in the Bastard Boutique and on Amazon. (also available on Kindle).
Bastard Beanies!
Bastard Beanies are in the Boutique! BN’s very own Addie Recoy of Addie Recoy Designs created patches for our Bastard Beanies! As always, BN is an all-volunteer organization that relies on donations and purchases of Swag to fund our Who’s Next? Fund. There’s going to be some important legislation happening with the New Year, so please think about us at giving time!..
Bastard Nation is a proud member of the Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition
TXARC: Bastard Nation. Equality for Adoptees, GLARE (Gladney Adoptees for Rights and Equality), Adoptee Rights Law Center
This summer we are updating our membership/donation page and payment process. If you would like to join or donate, please hit the spermie. It will take you to our Bastard Boutique page. Follow instructions from there. Be sure to include a quick note with your contact information and anything else you'd like us us know..
Become a Bastard Nation Legislative Liaison!
Bastard Nation needs Legislative Liaisons in every state with laws that seal adoption records. We need eyes and ears in the legislatures, creating relationships and gathering information.
What does a BN Legislative Liaison do? They talk with lawmakers and their staff about adoptee rights and the laws that seal records. They distribute Bastard Nation position papers and FAQs to legislators and staff members. They record their conversations and report to the BN Legislative Committee.
They are organized, informed, friendly, helpful, and engaged.
What do you need to do to be a BN Legislative Liaison?
1. You need to live close to the capitol of your state.
2. You need to be able to appear friendly, even when talking with people who disagree with you or are just disagreeable, period.
3. You need to have a flexible schedule.
4. You need to agree with Bastard Nation’s mission: If you don’t know what that is, go to bastardnation.org, it’s right there on our welcome page.
Those are the prerequisites. If you are interested, click the picture of the capitol rotunda, and fill out the application form. We will be in touch and schedule an online orientation and training.
We look forward to working with you!
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Thank you Marley! You’re my only means of keeping up. & I am grateful. It’s been a long slow slog and I fear very little would have happened save for the resolve, diligence and fortitude of Truth Warriors such as you. So, again, Thanks!
It’s about time! Love to see the states recognize adopted people have the same rights as all other cutizens.
How does societal perception of bastards vary across different cultures and eras?Tel-U