News February 20, 2016

Bastard Nation Action Alert: Hawaii HB 2082. A clean bill for records access. Contact now! Vote Do Pass!

by Marley Greiner

Bastard Nation Action Alert 

Support Hawaii HB 2082

Hawaii  adoptees need your help NOW!

February 23, 2016:  Hearing scheduled for House Judiciary Committee,

Distribute Freely!

On 1/25/16, HB 2082 was introduced in the Hawaii House. The original bill was garbage with a mishmash of tiers and disclosure vetoes, and kept in place Hawaii’s current complicated and outdated confidential intermediary system.

Surprisingly, in committee, after written testimony by Adoption Circle of Hawaii asking for amendments, the bill was essentially entirely replaced with the provisions of SB. No. 2153, which gives adult adoptees access to the entire court file upon request. It also gives “natural parents” access to the original birth certificate.  HB 2082 as amended passed out of committee on 2/12/16 and was referred to the Judiciary committee where it will be heard on 2/23/16 at 2:00pm HST.

Some legislators, including the Vice Chair of the Judiciary committee, Joy San Buenaventura,  are raising the typical “birthparent confidentiality” concerns. Hawaii is interesting in that existing law actually allows the prospective adoptive parents to request that the entire file remain unsealed at the time of the adoption. Many legislators seem unaware of this provision, but it certainly calls into question the notion that the State has promised birthparent “confidentiality”.

Go here to read the bill, as originally introduced and as amended.

You may also register with the legislative site for free and then use the “Submit testimony” button to submit testimony in advance of the 2/23/16 hearing.  Please only submit testimony if you are a Hawaii adoptee or triad member, Hawaii resident, or if you have a position as a representative of a group (such as a search and support group, adoptee rights group, etc). Hawaii residents and triad members are also encouraged to call the Committee members to simply express support of the bill.

If none of those apply to you, you are still encouraged to contact the House Judiciary Committee members prior to the hearing to express your support of HB 2082, as amended, via both email and Twitter.

Committee Chair:

Committee Chair:
Karl Rhoads
phone: 808-586-6180


Joy A. San Buenaventura
phone: 808-586-6530

Committee Members:

Della Au Belatti
phone: 808-586-9425

Mark Nakashima phone:

Gregg Takayama
phone: 808-586-6340

Tom Brower

Richard P. Creagan
phone: 808-586-9605

Mark J. Hashem
phone: 808-586-6510

Derek S.K. Kawakami
phone: 808-586-8435

Dee Morikawa
phone: 808-586-6280

Justin H. Woodson
phone: 808-586-6210

Cynthia Thielen phone:

Bob McDermott phone:

Chris Lee (he’s an adoptee and introduced the bill) phone: 808-586-9450

Quick email list with commas (please bcc),,,,,,,,,,,,,


Bastard Nation | P. O. Box 9959 | Spokane, WA 99209 | Phone 614-641-0294

Comments 1
  • I was told about this by someone from that adoption circle in Hawaii yesterday. I spoke to her last March when I attempted to access my mother’s adoption files. About 2 weeks ago we finally got the green light to access her files. But 7 months ago I already figured out who her biological parents were thanks to DNA and hard work, and last November met her relatives including her sister and they got DNA tested as well. It only confirmed that I found the right family.

    But if only I was able to explained how awful it was to access this. It took a lot of money, a couple of plane trips to Hawaii from California and constant run around from the Family Court. This is only for my mother’s adoption, and I won’t begin to go into the problems with my adoption files.

    I am so glad that this looks like it is heading in the right direction. Save others from going through all these ridiculous fees (I work only 16 weeks per year at the most) and constant delays, not to mention the court appointed private investigator didn’t find the right biological father for my mother, but I did.

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