New York: NYARC Update on January 15, 2020 OBC access

December 28, 2019

We have been given limited information from our DOH contacts—as others may have received—that the state and city are both “diligently” working on the application forms but such forms are not yet available or fully developed. We have been advised that there will be a webinar with all applicable agencies sometime during the week of 1/6/20 to help make the process more efficient.

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What in the World is Wisconsin Doing?

December 21, 2019

If passed, instead of receiving their Original Birth Certificates upon request, Lucky Bastards will receive a court -generated document– a copy of their Report of Adoption.form, The form is routinely sent by the court to the Wisconsin Office of Vital Statistics after an adoption is finalized, to request the Amended Birth Certificate be issued–if the adoptive parents have requested a new certificate. It includes the names of the child, birth and adoptive parents and other OBC information.

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AdoptionLand Loses Another One: RIP Kate Cleary

December 13, 2019

Kate was an adoptee rights pioneer. She served as the president of the American Adoption Congress in the late 1980s and early ’90s when it of the few rights organizations around.. In 1999 she founded the Consortium for Children in San Rafael. California. to provide support and technical assistance to both public and private child welfare create. positive outcomes for children and their families. thrown into “the system.”

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Massachusetts: Bastard Nation Testimony in support of H1892/S1267–unrestricted access for all

December 11, 2019
Logo of Bastard Nation. Sperms swm around a cicle with the words Bastard Nation inside the circle

Since then Maine, Rhode Island, Hawaii, Colorado, and New York, (one of the tightest sealed states in the US) have unsealed OBC s, and in some cases related records to their adoptees wthout restriction. With the overturning of sealed records laws, changed social and cultural mores, inexpensive DNA tests, social, media, and a large corps of “search angels,” the days of secret and sealed adoption are over, Massachusetts has no state interest in keeping its adoptees and their records segregated and divided by age and adoption date.

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Action Alert: Massachusetts H1892/S1267 Fill the gap. All MA adoptees deserve their OBCs

December 3, 2019

H1892 and S1267 are currently in the Joint Committee on Public Health. These companion bills are clean and probably the shortest OBC access bill in history. When enacted the gap between the haves and have nots, the worthies and the unworthies, will be closed,  and the right of all Massachusetts adoptees, without restriction, to their own OBCs will be restored.

Bastard Nation has supported these bills and similar bills for years. Unfortunately, they are a low priority and are left to die at the end of each 2-year session. This discrimination has got to stop.

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