Bastard Nation Action Alert: Don’t let purge DNA matches

July 25, 2020 has announced that it plans in August to purge its smaller matches –6-8cM- segments. In other words, DNA customers are about to lose a substantial number of family members/DNA connections from its customer’s DNA matches.

In general, this is a terrible idea, but specifically, these smaller matches are the exact place where African American and mixed Native Americans find their ancestral connections. This change will also affect adoptee connections.

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Framed in Bigotry and Discrimination: A look at Trump’s Executive Order: Strengthening the Child Welfare System for America’s Children.

July 15, 2020

The emphasis in the Executive Order is not some abstract improvement, but the creation of a robust evangelical-coded “faith-based” equalization in child welfare. The EO promises to increase much-needed child welfare improvement not through government initiative, but through taxpayer-funded tax-exempt so-called “faith-based” partnerships with private religious child welfare organizations and corporations including churches, para-churches, and ministries. Moreover, the EO promises “faith-based “foster and adoption recruitment.” This suggests nonsensically that the lack of “faith-based partnerships” keeps children stuck in state foster care when they could be transferred to the Christian adoption market if that market were more open and availab

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