James Hamilton: Rest in Peace

June 24, 2024

James M. Hamilton, after a heroic battle with cancer, passed peacefully at his home in St. Paul, Minnesota on Tuesday, June 18.  Jim was our friend and ally, a husband and father, a lawyer, a world traveler, and adoptee rights and adoption reform soldier. An honorary Bastard God…Jim was our friend. He always had time to talk to people . He opened his home and his heart to his extended adoption-related family and to us.  He believed in us. His friendship, support, and work gives the lie to the “evil adopter” trope that a certain band of online adopted people carry. He loved us and we loved him. Hopefully, we are all a little smarter and even nicer because of Jim.

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Minnesota: OBCs Open on July 1. Join the Run-up Events!

June 11, 2024

July 1 is just around the corner –and Minnesota adoptees will be able to obtain their Original Birth Certificates.  No exceptions. No conditions. This has been a long time coming . The law that kept OBCs  sealed was the most complicated convoluted secret and sealed records system in the US. Minnesota-based Greg Luce, founder and director of the Adoptee Rights Law Center and the Minnesota Coalition for Adoptee Rights navigated the 2023 campaign that cracked the vault. Two events are scheduled to explain, educate, and celebrate the new law.

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