Bastard Nation Action Alert. North Dakota: SB2284 – Clean OBC Bill in Senate Judiciary Committee, February 4, 2025

February 1, 2025

Currently There is no specific law that provides North Dakota-born adoptees from receiving their OBCs. Court orders pertaining to state and private adoptions are available, but only through a complex, confusing, and exacting procedure involving adoption agencies and birthparents who must give consent for release of identity. A court order can be granted “only if the petitioner demonstrates that disclosure will not result in any substantial harm to the individual about whom identifying information is sought.” How that absurd requirement is proven is not explained.

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North Dakota: Bastard Nation’s Letter in Support of SB2284–Clean OBC Access Bill–Senate Judiciary Committee. February 4, 2025

These legal procedures in the current law are archaic, humiliating, time-consuming, infantilizing, in the extreme, and rarely successful. They can also be expensive. The current law promotes the pernicious idea that adopted people are dangerous—so dangerous– that they cannot be trusted with their own birth certificates and personal information about themselves less they harm others. The Not Adopted, of course, are not mandated to withstand bureaucratic scrutiny to receive their birth certificates.

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