Because of the recent heat BN (The Group that Dares not Speak its Name! ! !) has received of late from boulevard idlers, agorophobics, underemployed attorneys, and other guardians of the public virtue, we have decided to write the following:
We are Bashful Nation! (sorry about the exclamation point, we hope it doesn’t offend anybody)
1. Nobody should bother anybody, unless that bothers somebody.
2. Don’t look at me like that.
3. Anybody can have access to our birth records as long as they are nice, even though I don’t think I’m very nice sometimes and that makes me sad.
4. We think our therapists would make wonderful intermediaries, especially in your case.
5. You’re looking at me again. Just quit it.
We proudly reclaim the symbol of the Pink Bunny from that battery company, and wear the ears and fluffy tail with pride, at least at home when we think no one can see us.
Lawmakers will think us cute and cuddly in our Bashful Nation pink fuzzy bunny suits, and will let us sit in their laps when we read our list of demands.
Of course we won’t get much done, and look out during hunting season!, but gee, we sure will get lots of goodwill.
Gooooo Bashfuls, unless it bothers anybody.