Bastard Nation Letter to Rhode Island Senate Leadership–Support HB250 Sub B

Bastard Nation: the Adoptee Rights Organization

PO Box 4607

New Windsor, New York 12553-7845

614-795-6819            @BastardsUnite


June 27, 2021

RE: SB250 Sub B and H189 Sub B: AN ACT RELATING TO DOMESTIC RELATIONS — ADOPTION OF CHILDREN {LC753/1} Reduces age of OBC access from 25 to 18.

Dear Senator________

Bastard Nation: the Adoptee Rights Organization is the largest adoptee civil rights organization in the United States. We support only full unrestricted access for all adopted persons, to their original birth certificates (OBC) and related documents.  

We are happy to support the passage of SB 250 Sub B and H6180 Sub B. The companion bills reduce the age qualification for Rhode Island-born adoptees to obtain their OBCs without restriction or condition from the current 25 to the age-of-majority 18. The bills, we understand, will be up for a vote in both houses on Tuesday, June 29.

In 2011 we supported S478 Sub AA, which restored the right of all Rhode Island-born adoptees to their Original Birth Certificates, and we were pleased that the bill passed. We did not, however, support the age of-25 limitation. Instead, we urged that the age be reduced to 18—the age of majority for not adopted Rhode Islanders–to fall in line with other states, whose records had been unsealed. The age discrepancy set a bad precedent and continued to treat the state’s adopted and not adopted differently. Unfortunately, that change didn’t occur.

But it can now!

We are thrilled that the time has come to bring Rhode Island into line with other states that restored OBC rights before and after the Rhode Island bill passed into law.

We are thankful for the work that has been put into these bills and trust that this much-needed age reduction will pass the Senate. Please support the passage of SB250 Sub B and make 18 the age of access!

Yours truly,


Marley Greiner

Executive Chair

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