Political, Search, and Support
- Rush Is On To Adopt Cambodia Babies, Associated Press, July 24, 1998
- Red Cross offers babies for adoption, Phnom Penh Post, September 29, 2000
- U.S. Families Learn Truth About Adopted Cambodian Children, Associated Press, March 25, 2005
- British couples fight Cambodia adoption ban in the High Court, The Times, April 19, 2005
- Adoption Cambodia., The Schuster Institute or Investigative Journalism (c 2010) Contains llist of links.
- Cambodia to Restart International Adoptions, Voice of America, February 18, 2014
- Cambodian Orphans Yearn for Answers 40 Years After Fleeing the Khmer Rouge, Time, April 14, 2015
- Angelina Jolie and the Traumatization of Orphans, Light of Day, Juluy27. 2017
- The race to rescue Cambodian children from orphanages exploiting them for profit, The Guardian, August 19, 2017
- Government lays out adoption process. Phnom Penh Post, September 14, 2017
- For ‘Khmerican’ Adoptees and Their Families, Camp Reunion to Keep Bonds Strong, Voice of America , January 21, 2018
- Cambodian adoption system corrupt: NGO, Cambodia Daily, March 31. 2018
Statement: Cambodia’s Stolen Children: Fraud and Corruption in the Inter-Country Adoption System. Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights (LICADHO), September 30, 2018
Cambodia’s Stolen Children: Fraud and Corruption in the Inter-Country Adoption System,

Updated October 3, 2019