Action Alert: Louisiana HB450 going for floor vote. Contact now–DO PASS

March 22, 2022

Tell the  House to retain the original language of the bill– pass the bill as written  Keep your letter short and concise. If you are a Louisiana-born adoptee tell them. If you are adopted, tell them. If you have a Louisiana connection, tell them. If you are a birthmother, tell them. Remember, this bill is about adoptee civil rights and the restoration of the right for all adopted people to obtain their own original birth certificates. It is not about search and reunion, claims of birthmother “confidentiality,” or abortion.

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Action Alert: Idaho SB 1320 – Do Not Pass!

March 9, 2022

If you are reading this, it’s time to contact the Idaho House to oppose discriminatory SB1320, which would fail to restore access to any of the estimated 59,685 adult adoptees of Idaho! SB1320, like the failed HB59 last session, is prospective (only for future adoptions). It also allows unacceptable restrictions (such as birth parent redactions). Help us say no in Idaho to SB1320, and appeal for clean adoption reform!

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Vermont H629: Bastard Nation letter to House Judiciary. Let adoptees speak! #NoHearingsAboutUsWithoutUs

February 12, 2022

I urge the committee to re-think its hearing process and to hold at least one more hearing for the real experts to speak: adopted people.  Limiting adoptees to submitted testimony not only denies the objects of H629 critical face-to-face communication with the committee, but it also invalidates our lived experience. It trivializes our rights.  It silences adoptees and makes us invisible to the public and legislative eye. Mostly, it sends a bad message that the adopted people of Vermont don’t count.  Let us speak!

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Vermont H629: Emergency Action Alert and Bastard Nation testimony or #NoHearingsAboutUsWithoutUs

February 11, 2022

This week the Vermont House Judiciary Committee held two hearings on HB629.  These hearings, according to an email l received today from a  committee staffer, were not real hearings but information-gathering sessions featuring adoption  “experts.” These experts were limited to adoption attorneys and adoptacrats. (Adoption agency liability looms large in their imagination). The chair of the committee apparently does not view The Adopted as experts on our own lives and the abrogation of our own rights and barred all adoptees from giving oral testimony.  As one astute activist tweeted today:   If there are no adoptees speaking, there are no experts…Action Alert: NEED HELP ASAP with VT legislation. If you have the spoons and time today, would you please send a SHORT email to the VT House Judiciary Committee demanding they give a seat at the table to an actual adoptee (ME) to testify regarding proposed bill H629 (information follows)

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June 22, 2021

Let’s finish the job!  The Adoptee Rights Law Center has compiled a short update and pre-assembled tweets to send to Arizona lawmakers.

Go to: Tweet to Arizona Legislators,

                                                           Copy, Paste. Send.

                                               We win when we work together!

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Arizona: Please sign Joint Letter to Arizona lawmakers to reject SB1831/HB2921; guts adoptee rights

June 14, 2021

Bastard Nation has joined The Adoptee Rights Law Center call for adoptees and allies from across the country to stop the Arizona legislature from destroying the OBC rights of the majority of the state’s adopted class.

The proposed law black-holes all Arizona adoptees born between 1968-2021 from obtaining their original birth certificates without a court order.

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Arizona: Bad News and Updated Action Alert. Act Now!

May 24, 2021

Senator Quezada asked if the bill was Constitutionally sound because of its tiered access/doughnut hole/black hole specification that would keep the OBCs of adoptees born in Arizona between 1968-January 1, 2022 sealed. The Senate Rules Counsel assured him that tiered access is about maintaining an “expectation of privacy” in adoption whether or not there was any “official” expectation, and that OBC access is a matter of “policy” not a Constitutional issue.  Policy? Seriously?  Equal protection is a policy issue, devoid of Constitutional merit?

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