Action Alert: Iowa SF 621. Say No on Redactions! Urgent!–with update. Amendments have been filed.

April 22, 2019

A once-clean bill in Iowa is going bad, with an agreed upon dirty amendment going to the Senate floor as early as Monday or Tuesday of this week. The bill would add statutory redaction rights for birthparents—i.e., the granting of an unchallenged power to alter an adopted person’s original birth certificate. The bill also has another problem I describe here: who else gets the OBC?

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Adoptee Rights Law Center/Bastard Nation Joint Action Alert: Florida HB597–Vote No

March 9, 2019

The bill creates a paternalistic forced reunion system in order for an adoptee to access her or his  own Original Birth Certificate–or rather in this case, a summary of it.  It contends birth record access is about an individual personal desire or curiosity rather than a civil right and political issue by conflating “reunion” with rights. It keeps Florida adoptees and their families hostage to archaic laws and customs, promotes continued shame in adoption, and maintains the iron lock of the state on our birth records and personal autonomy.

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Bastard Nation Action Alert: West Virginia Senate Judiciary Committee. SB300 OBC access. Restricts and discriminantes. Vote No or Amend to cover all, not some

February 22, 2019

SB300, a restrictive OBC access bill, is currently in the West Virginia Senate Judiciary Committee. As of this writing, it is not scheduled for a hearing, but we urge that you write the committee to let members know that the bill, which grants OBC access for some of the state’s adoptees, but not all, is discriminatory and not acceptable.

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