Don’t Let Yourself Be Redacted! Tell AdoptionLand that Redacted OBCs are not acceptable

April 26, 2019

Under this obscene scheme, birthparents are granted a special right that no one else has–the right to require the state to remove identifying information from your state-generated and held birth certificate. In other words, the government, as a favor to a parent with a cramped comfort zone censors your own birth certificate turning it into mini- Mueller Report and rendering you invisible, even to yourself.  This black-blocking is done under the rubric of “the most good for the most, people” ‘ or similar garbling.  They forget to mention that once redactions (or their first cousin’ Disclosure Vetoes) are placed in law, no state has come back to remove them.  Redactions create a permanent underclass of adoptees. Left behinds. But, hey!  A state-mutilated OBC is better than no OBC! And, if you are really upset, you always go into therapy.

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Bastard Nation Letter to Iowa Senate: Please Vote No on Redactions/Restrictions on SF621

astard Nation gave full support to SF621 until late last week when proponents announced that they were willing to accept a reported amendment that would restrict OBC access. Specifically, an amendment that authorizes the government—upon request of a birthparent– to censor the OBC by redacting identifying information from the document before it is released to the adoptee. This is a special right that no third party in Iowa, including parents, otherwise, possess.

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Action Alert: Iowa SF 621. Say No on Redactions! Urgent!–with update. Amendments have been filed.

April 22, 2019

A once-clean bill in Iowa is going bad, with an agreed upon dirty amendment going to the Senate floor as early as Monday or Tuesday of this week. The bill would add statutory redaction rights for birthparents—i.e., the granting of an unchallenged power to alter an adopted person’s original birth certificate. The bill also has another problem I describe here: who else gets the OBC?

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Texas: Twinkle Twinkle Little STAR

April 19, 2019

STAR has gone dark. Its leaders have been contacted privately and asked publicly where they stand on HB2725.  They have refused to respond. No Facebook, no Twitter, no web page updates. We hope STAR’s members and social media followers get their news elsewhere; otherwise, they are still wondering what happened.

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Texas HB2725 Is Dead. It’s Time to Unite for Next Time

The lack of support of HB2725 from the Public Health Committee indicates that a genuine adoptee rights bill cannot succeed this session. This was not the case in recent years, especially in 2015 when a nearly identical bill passed unanimously out of two committees and passed the House on a vote of 138 to 1. In many respects Texas is getting closer to enactment of a genuine adoptee rights bill and the opposition has become more organized in defeating it. It was, in fact, TXARC’s preference this session not to introduce a bill and instead use the time to educate the public and legislators, with a goal to reintroduce a clean bill in 2021. This was a decision prompted by key leaders in the legislature who advised us over the past year to “take a session off.”

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