San Francisco EXAMINER EDITORIAL WRITER Feb. 22, 1999 ———————————————————————- ———- Adoptees’ drive for right to identify birth parents can conflict with elders’ need for privacy IN APPROVING a two-sentence initiative last November, Oregon voters set …
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Looking for myself
By Suzanne Curley. STAFF WRITER A FORTY-something friend of mine brought me to tears a few years back when, gazing at the face of her newborn child, she said, “It’s the first time in my …
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Dec. 3 was the first day adult adoptees born in Oregon were able to request copies of their own birth certificates, thanks to a ballot measure approved last month. It also was the day some …
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Published Sunday, December 6, 1998, in the San Jose Mercury News Adoptees seek state’s help to ease their hunt Open-records law urged BY STEVE JOHNSON Mercury News Staff Writer She was adopted 22 years ago when …
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Adoptees push for new lawsBy JOYCE KIRTLEY World Staff Writer 12/4/98 People across the country seek access to their original birth records. Judy McCoy walked into the vital statistics office on Greenwood Avenue on Thursday …
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Adoptees protest laws that keep them from heritage FINDING THEIR ROOTS By Matthew I. Pinzur The Macon Telegraph For 30 years, Michelle Hills knew her own name. Two weeks ago, that changed. Adopted in Pasadena, …
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The Daily Mail Thursday, Dec. 3, 1998 Catskill, N.Y., Vol. 119, No. 291 A1, A10. by Deborah Clemans, Daily Mail Staff Writer. Christopher Philippo of Rensselaer has spent many long hours searching for information on …
Continue readingThe Right to Know
The Right to Know The heart of the adoption issue: Does the right to privacy outweigh the right to know? By Colleen Van Tassell Four years ago, a stranger called Patricia Austin and asked: Does …
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Group fights for equal access Adoption records October 4, 1998 By Mary Mogan Edwards Dispatch Staff Reporter Adult members of Bastard Nation know that at least part of the reason for keeping adoption records secret traditionally has …
Continue readingAdoption in everyone’s interests
From Wilmington, DE newspaper. Sunday, April 26, 1998 Adoption in everyone’s interests: Secrecy and speed in the Uniform Adoption Act deny children’s legitimate rights by Mary-Lee Lutz Opponents of the Uniform Adoption Act, or Delaware …
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