Holt letter

April 28, 2004

The Honorable Janet Allen

New Hampshire State House

Concord, NH 03301


Via Email


Dear Ms. Allen,


I am writing on behalf of Holt International Children�s Services. Holt urges your full support in drafting legislation for S.B. 335 that would once again allow adults, adopted as children, unrestricted access to their birth and adoption records.


Holt pioneered intercountry adoption from Korea in the 1950s. It is the largest intercountry adoption agency in the United States, placing annually approximately 1,000 children in this country.


Holt International Children�s Services is committed to protecting the rights and interests of all members of the adoption triad � adoptee, birth family, and adoptive family. Recognizing the lifelong effects of adoption, Holt supports initiatives that support a healthy acknowledgement of the connections between adoptees, birth and adoptive families. Therefore, Holt advocates for the repeal of New Hampshire statutes that deny adult citizens that were adopted as minors access to state held documents recording their births and adoptions. Holt believes this is the best practice and consistent with the Child Welfare League of America�s �Standards of Excellence for Adoption Services.�


While Holt recognizes the concerns of the opponents, we believe it is the human right of adoptees, whether adopted internationally or domestically, to know about their pasts. Adoption practice continues to evolve and change as more and more issues are recognized and understood. Laws denying adoptees access to their original birth certificate and other court documents are considered out of date and not healthy. Trends in adoption practice and training are towards openness. Increasingly, adoptions are now being performed where the birthparents continue to maintain a relationship with the child and adoptive family. These placements are considered to be healthy and beneficial to all members of the triad.


Again, we urge your support to draft legislation for S.B. 335 that brings New Hampshire�s access laws back into best practice standards. Please contact me at 541/687-2202 if you should have any questions.



Susan Soon-keum Cox

Vice-President of Public Policy and External Affairs

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