General Information
- How to request information
- Controlling Legislation: The Adoption Act, in force March 15, 1999; The Adoption Amendment And Vital Statistics Amendment Act (Opening Birth and Adoption Records)
- Legislative Assembly of Manitoba
Political, Search, and Reunion
- Canada Open Records (Facebook) (Bastard Nation Partner)
- Manitoba Indigenous Adoptees Coalition (Facebook)
- Manitoba Metis Federation
- Metis Nation: Connecting Sixties Scoop Survivors
Age of access: 18 years
Conditional – Subject to veto. Section 63
Adult Adoptee access to their own OBC in full: Conditional – Subject to veto. Section 63
Adult adoptee access to other identifying information about their natural parents: Conditional – Subject to vetos Section 63
Natural parents of adult adoptee access to identifying information: Conditional – Subject to vetos
Disclosure Vetoes: For only adoptions that took place prior to June 15, 2015, can be placed by a parent named on the original birth registration an adult adoptee. Expires one year after the death of the person who filed the veto. Section 112(6)
Contact Preferences or Contact Vetoes: No
Contact Veto legally binding with penalties for violations: No
Contact preferences not legally binding: No
Passive registry: Available
Active search available: Available to an adult adoptee, a natural parent, an adult natural sibling, an adoptive parent (if the adoptee has died, is under 12, or over 12 with the adoptee’s consent) a natural grandparent, with proof of death of the natural parent. Section 19

- No Quiet Place: Final Report to the Honourable Muriel Smith, Minister of Community Services, Google Books, 1985
- Report: Confidentiality of Adoption Records, Manitoba Law Reform Commission, February 12, 1979
- Quiet Place: Final Report to the Honourable Muriel Smith, Minister of Community Services, Google Books, 1985
- A Study of Adoption Disruption in Manitoba 1990-1996. (thesis) Sandra C Mendell, U. of Manitoba, 1997
- Manitoba government proposes opening more adoption records, CBC, April 24, 2014
- Manitoba opening adoption records in 2015, American Indian Adoptees, March 11, 2015
- Adopted children, birth parents’ access to Manitoba records expanded, Global News, May 22, 2015
- A text of Manitoba Premier Greg Selinger’s apology to ’60s Scoop adoptees, Winnipeg City News, June 6, 2015
- Manitoba to apologize to children taken in ’60s Scoop, CBCNews, June 11. 2015
- Manitoba adoptees’, birth parents’ identities revealed under new legislation, CBC News, June 15, 2015
Manitoba Sixties Scoop apology moves indigenous families to tears. CBC News, June 15, 2015
- Thousands of pre-adoption records unsealed in Manitoba, Global News, June 15, 2015
- Manitoba formally apologizes for mass adoption of aboriginal children, Toronto Globe and Mail, June 18, 2015
- Family secrets: Manitoba adoption records have just been unsealed, allowing thousands to unravel their pasts, Winnepeg Free Press, July 14. 2015
- New Adoption Rules for Manitoba, Finding History, Herstory,Your Story, July 21, 2015
Sixties Scoop adoptees gather at University of Winnipeg to share, heal, CBC News, July 23, 2015
- The time they took us away: faces of the Sixties Scoop, CBC News, October 9, 2016
Canada to Pay Millions in Indigenous Lawsuit Over Forced Adoptions, New York Times, October 6, 2017
Indigenous children for sale: The money behind the Sixties Scoop. CBC News, September 28, 2018
- Family wins son back in court only to learn Manitoba adopted out daughter. APTN, July 28, 2020
Updated August 14, 2020