Media, Photo, Video Gallery Opening Day- January 15, 2020

Press Conference, New York Statehouse



(courtesy of Annette O’Connell, Claudia Corrigan D’Arcy, Suzanne Bachner, and American Adoption Congess)

Annette O’Connell’s son Brendan,



Annette O’Connell’s son Brendan, Senator Velmanette Montgomery, Annette O’Connell, and Racquel Saddler, legislative counsel for Senator Montgomery



Sponsors, advocates, and pen certificates
One of our supporters received this newsletter from Assemblymember Patricia A. Fahy today. Thank you Assembly Member Fahy for your ongoing support. You rock! “Human Rights Adoptee Rights. Adoptees in New York have faced difficult hurdles in accessing critical information about their health and identity. Adoptees that have been placed into closed adoptions have had to navigate a complicated system that often left them with little more information about their biological families than when they started. The state Assembly and Senate passed overdue legislation this year to finally allow adoptees to access their full birth certificate and identify biological relatives.”



Assemblyman David Weprin, Senator Velmanette Montgomery, Assemblywoman Pamela Hunter, Harry Theopheles, and Annette O’Connell



Suzanne Bachner and Bob Brader.


Annette O’Connell and Claudia Corrigan D’Arcy #ShowMeYourPenCertificate #DONE


New York State Senator Velmanette Montgomery and David Weprin signing the NYARC banner


Assemblyman Karl Brabenec and Annette O’Donnell


Gabrielle Glaser and Annette ODonnell


Suzanne Bahner Bob Brader.with NYARC banner



Sen Anna Kaplan and Tim Monti-Wolhpart (AAC)


News Conference


News Stories


Bye-Bye Albany!

NYARC: Claude D’Arcy, Annettte O’Conne;;

Updated January 19, 2020

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