

General Information


Political, Search and Reunion




Age of access:  18 years

Adult access to original full name:  Conditional – Subject to veto. Section 48.5 (1)

Adult Adoptee access to their OBC in full:  Conditional – Subject to veto. Section 48.5 (1)

Adult adoptee access to other information about natural parents: Conditional – subject to disclosure vetos Section 48.5(2)

Adult adoptee access to other identifying information about their natural parents: Conditional for adoptions finalized prior to September 1, 2008.Section 48.5(1)

Disclosure Vetos: For adoptions that took place prior to September 1, 2008, can be placed by:parent named on the original birth registration an adult adoptee Section 48.5.  Expires when the other party is able to provide proof of death of the person who placed the veto (the onus of proof is on the person who doesn’t have their information).Section 48.5(13)

Contact Vetos:  Contact vetos (punishment is not specified) can be placed by: a natural parent named on the original birth registration an adult adoptee Section 48.1(5)

Passive registry:  Unspecified

Active registry:  Unspecified



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Updated July 30, 2020



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