General Information
- How to request information
- Individuals adopted abroad or parents of origin of a child who was adopted abroad
- Controlling Legislation: Family Services Act; Vital Statistics Act
- Assemblée nationale du Québec
Political, Search and Support
- Adoptees from Quebec’s Creches( AACDQ)
- Adoptees from Quebec’s Creches (AACDQ) – Facebook
- Adoption Quebec (Facebook)
Free Canada Adoption / Family Search and Reunion (Facebook) Offers free assistance and experienced search angels for adopted people and families searching in every province in Canada.
Age of Access: 14 years
Adult adoptee access to their original full name: Conditional – Subject to veto Section 35 (583.1)
Adult adoptee access to their own OBC in full: Conditional – Subject to veto Section 35 (583.1)
Natural parents of adult adoptee access to identifying information: No
Disclosure Vetoes: Can be placed by a natural parent Section 35 (583.5) Expire 1 year after the death of the person whose information it pertains to, but the onus is on the adopted person to provide proof.Section 35 (583.9)
Contact Preferences or Contact Vetoes: Contact vetos, punishable by unspecified punitive damages, can be placed by:
a natural parent named on the original birth registration Section 35 (583 Contact vetos are implied if the person cannot be located before their information is disclosed. Section 35 (583.7 and 583.8)
Passive registry: Available. Section 35 (583-10)
Active search available: Available to a natural parent of an adult adoptee an adult adoptee. Required before identifying information is given to the other person in order to allow them a chance to file a veto. Section 35 (583.7 and 583.8)
- Quebec proposes changes in adoption laws. Toronto Globe & Mail, October 7, 2009
- The Dominican children given up to Quebec’s ‘adoption machine.’ Toronto Globe, September 21, 2015.
- New rules for adoptions in Quebec to end ‘total secrecy’ of old regime. CBC News, October 6, 2016
- Editorial: Modernization of Quebec adoption laws was overdue. Montreal Gazette, October 19, 2016
Children of sin: Quebec and Irish orphans share stories of abuse under care of Catholic Church, CBC News, June 3, 2017
- Inuit Customary Adoption Incorporated into Quebec’s Civil Code – “Historic” say Makivik and Nunavik Regional Board of Health and Social Services. Societe Makvik.Makvik Corporation, June 20, 2017
- Nunavik welcomes Quebec legislation recognizing Inuit adoption. Nunatsiaq News, June 27, 2017
- Quebec adoptees finally getting some long sought answers about their roots. Canadian Press, December 11, 2018
- Despite new adoption rules, Quebec families still searching for answers, CBC News, June 25, 2019
Duplessis Orphans

- Duplessis Orphans Wikipedia
- Duplessis Orphans. Canada’s Human Rights History Encyclopedia
- Justice at last? The Duplessis Orphan Scandal,, nd
- Orphans of the 1950’s, Telling of Abuse, Sue Quebec, New York Times, May 21,1993
- Canada: Thousands of children were reclassified as mentally retarded so institutions could get more money from Quebec. Schooling stopped and torture began, they contend in lawsuits.Los Angeles Times, July 6, 1993
- Protesters in Straightjackets Demand Inquiry of Duplessis Orphans Era.”The Spokesman-Review, February 19, 1999 (no link)
- Duplessis Orphans Challenge the Church. CBC News, March 1, 1999.
- Abandoned And Abused, Washington Post, April 7, 2000
- Duplessis orphans march for apology, compensation, Globe & Mail, April 22, 2000
- Apology and Amends at Last for Duplessis Orphans.CBC News, July 3, 2001.
- Duplessis Orphans Seek Proof of Medical Experiments. CBC News, June 18, 2004.
- Duplessis orphan can’t forget sexual abuse that occurred almost 50 years ago,, December 21, 2006
- Curtain lifts on decades of forced adoptions for unwed mothers in Canada. National Press, March 12, 2012
- Your baby is dead: Mothers say their supposedly stillborn babies were stolen from them National Post, March 23, 2012
- Quebec’s closed adoption laws challenged by B.C. woman. CBC News, September 16, 2014
- Métis toddler locked in adoption battle between foster parents, government. CBC News, January 19, 2016
- Quebec government won’t help Duplessis orphan desperately looking for family. Global News, July 1, 2016
- Black Market Babies, Masionneuve, July 7, 2017
- Nanaimo woman who was adopted can’t get her birth certificate. Nanaimo News Bulletin, October 19, 2017
- We were innocent’: How one survivor hopes to get justice for Duplessis Orphans. CBC News, February 17, 2018
- Duplessis orphans have an advocate in novelist Joanna Goodman. Montreal Gazette, May 31, 2018
- My father was a Duplessis orphan,, April 11, 2019
Updated: August 9, 2021