
General Information

Political, Search and Support


Age of Access:  14 years

Adult adoptee access to their original full name:  Conditional – Subject to veto Section 35 (583.1)

Adult adoptee access to their own OBC in full: ConditionalSubject to veto Section 35 (583.1)

Natural parents of adult adoptee access to identifying information: No

Disclosure Vetoes: Can be placed by a natural parent Section 35 (583.5)  Expire 1 year after the death of the person whose information it pertains to, but the onus is on the adopted person to provide proof.Section 35 (583.9)

Contact Preferences or Contact Vetoes: Contact vetos, punishable by unspecified punitive damages, can be placed by:
a natural parent named on the original birth registration Section 35 (583  Contact vetos are implied if the person cannot be located before their information is disclosed. Section 35 (583.7 and 583.8)

Passive registry:  Available. Section 35 (583-10)

Active search available: Available to a natural parent of an adult adoptee an adult adoptee. Required before identifying information is given to the other person in order to allow them a chance to file a veto. Section 35 (583.7 and 583.8)



Duplessis Orphans

Former Duplessis Orphanages inmates protest in straight jackets., June 1999, (Freedom Magazine)


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Updated: August 9, 2021

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