General Information
- How to request information
- Controlling legislation: The Adoption Regulations 2003
- Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan
Political, Search & Reunion
- Canada Open Records (Facebook) (Bastard Nation Partner)
Age of access: 18 years
Adult adoptee access to their own OBC in full: Subject to reunion
Adult adoptee access to their original full name: Subject to reunion
Adult adoptee access to other identifying information about their natural parents: Subject to reunion
Natural parents of adult adoptee access to identifying information: Conditional–Only after reunion of parties
Disclosure Vetoes: Disclosure requires that the parties are already known to one another. For adoptions that took place prior to January 1, 2017, can be placed by a parent named on the original birth registration an adult adoptee Expires when the other party is able to provide proof of death of the person who placed the veto (the onus of proof is on the person who doesn’t have their information).
Contact Preferences or Contact Vetoes: Contact vetos or contact preferences can be placed by a natural parent
an adult adoptee
Passive registry: Available
Active search available

Aboriginals sue Canadian government over adoptions to white families during 1960s. National Post, February 10, 2015
Documentary of Sixties Scoop reunion shares story of joy, loss. CBC News, December 18, 2016
New Saskatchewan adoption laws come into force, Global News, December 1, 2017
Province extends deadline for new parents to revoke adoption consent, CBC News, December 1, 2017
Access to adoption info made easier in Sask. CBC News, January 3, 2017
- Recent Amendments Make Adoption Records Easier to Access in Saskatchewan, Lexology, January 3, 2017
System failed adoptive parents involved in Sixties Scoop, says adoptee. CBC News, January 22, 2017
- Saskatchewan ’60s scoop organization invites participation. Toronto Star-Phoenix, December 7, 2017
- CBC podcast solves decades-old mystery of Saskatchewan girl lost in Sixties Scoop. CBC News, March 7, 2018 (with lihnks to entire broadcast series)
Naive but a good intention’ — adoptive parents grapple with fallout of Sixties Scoop. CBC News, March 14, 2018
‘It’s my Christmas miracle’: Woman finds birth mother 64 years after adoption, CBC News, December 19, 2018
- ‘I just want to hug her’: Sask family works to reunite with aunt taken to Europe in 60s Scoop, CBC, August 18, 2019
Updated June 29, 2021