Political, Search and Reunion
- Kradjabeba (Return the Children (Serbian, Bosnian, English)
kradjabeba.org (Facebook)

- Zorica Jovanovic v. Serbia, Global Health and Human Rights Database, 2013
- Serbia: Missing Babies, DW.com, February 18, 2015 (includes video)
- Committee of Ministers reacted again on Jovanovic Vs. Serbia case, ASTRA, nd, 2016
- The implementation of the ECHR judgement in the Zorica Jovanovic vs Serbia case (“Missing babies”). YUCOM (Lawyers Committee on Human Rights), February 290, 2016
- Missing Babies Mystery Still Haunts Serbia, Balkan Insight, January 30, 2017
- The Fate of the Missing Babies of Serbia, European Implementation Network, March 28. 2018
The long search for the truth about missing babies in Serbia, TRT World, February 18, 2020
Parents slam Serbia bill in chilling ‘missing babies’ cases. ABC News, February 28.2020
Main European rights body hails Serbia’s missing babies law, Vancouver City News, March 8, 2020
- The Missing Babies, FairPlanet, April 8, 2020
Updated April 9, 2020