Sealed: 1936
Current Access Status: Sealed
- adoptee required to petition court and show “good and compelling
cause for release of identifying information - release dependent upon the age of the adoptee, the date of adoption, and whether birth parents agree to the release of information.
Through a special arrangement with the Adoptee Rights Law Center, Bastard Nation is linking our individual state pages to ARLC state access law links and summaries. In addition. our state pages include information specific to Bastard Nation actions and activities in each state
Read about current OBC access legislation with links to current and past years bills at our”Keep Informed” legislative pages (middle sidebar.)
2024 Legislation: SB1274 (OBC)
2023 Legislation: AB1302(OBC)
California Activist Resources

- California Open No-Veto resolution
- Open Records Legislation: Impact on the Right to Privacy Under the California Constitution – Nina Greeley (Submitted to the Counsel for the Assembly Judiciary Committee in connection with HB AB 372, April 21, 2009)
- 1961 Hubbard Appellate Court Ruling (John Rockefeller McCormick Hubbard v a minor et al, Petitioners
- California Birth Index
History of Sealed Records in California
Read the history of sealed records in California in Growing in the Dark:
Adoption Secrecy and Its Consequences
by Bastard Nation Founding Foundling Janine M Baer.

California Events:
1998: Bastards at the Bay Conference: The Convergence
Reg Day boostore in San Francisco, date unk. c, 1995-97
Honk if You’re My Daddy! , January 2, 2006

While the rest of AdoptionLand wrung its collective hands over how the Fox-flop Who’s Your Daddy would “destroy” adoption and commodify adoptees, Bastard Nation saw the show as an opportunity to skewer sealed records. Local members of CUB and the Adoptee Rights Organizing Project joined us in an “educational picket” at Fox-TV at Century City in Los Angeles. Read Bastard Nation Executive Chair Marley Greiner’s statement.
California 2000 – 2001 Campaign (Reconstructed from Internet Archives)
AB1349 – clean bill in 2001

Bastards on the Bay Conference, Radison Mayhako Hotel, San Francisco, July 17-19, 1998

Bastard Nation Educates ABA on the Uniform Adoption Act, San Francisco, August 2-3 1997
Bastard Nation Goes to Hollywood, 1996-1997
In 1996-11997 Bastard Nation sponsored a series of nationwide open records events in conjunction with the award-winning Oscar-nominated film Secrets and Lies. Many were held in California. In March 1997 we attended the Oscar ceremony. Click the link above for our Secrets and Lies page that includes lots of links to the action.

The year of the worst OBC “access” bill ever written
- AB1302: Bastard Nation Letter of Opposition to AB1302, House Judiciary Committee, March 14, 2023
- Action Alert: California AB1302:Beware the Trojan Horse, Bastard Nation/CalOpen Partners, March 16, 2023
- AB1302: 2nd Bastard Nation Letter of Opposition, House Judiciary Committee, March 20, 2023
- AB 1302: Emergency Action Alert – April 19 2023 Deadline Bastard Nation/CalOpen Partners, April 17, 2023
- VIDEO: Public Hearing on AB1302, House Judiciary Committee, April 18, 2024 (36:00 marker)
- California bill would make it easier for adopted people to request birth certificates, other records, KCRA-TV, April 18, 2023
- ‘It’s important to know who you are.’ California bill aims to help adopted people get birth record, Sacramento Bee, April 19,, 292
- AB1302: Bastard Nation Letter of Opposition, House Health Committee, April 18, 2023, for Hearing April 24, 2023
- AUDIO: Insight with VIcki Gonzale. Bill addresses the right to original birth certificates Featuring Gregory Luce, April 2, 2023
- The Daily Bastardette: Guest Blogger Justin Michael Bennett, My Unicorn (California OBC bureaucracy), January 12, 2011
- The Daily Bastardette: Join CalOpen and Me in Sacramento on Thursday, March 15, 2010
- Daily Bastardeette, California SB 372 Sent to Suspense File, Daily Bastardette, May 13, 2009
- The Daily Bastardette: Bastard Nation Letter to California Assembly Appropriations Committee: Adoptees are Not Part of a California Economic Stimulus Package, May 13, 2009
- California Open/Bastard Nation Action Alert: California AB 372. Act Now, May 12 ,2009
- The Daily Bastardette: In Case Anyone Cares: CARE Dream Team, May 9, 2009
- The Daily Bastardette: California Circle Jerking: AB372: A Dialogue, April 29, 2009
- BB Church’s Funhouse: The “Birthmother Privacy Rights” Act Moves Out of Judiciary, April 28, 2009 (scroll down for all April entries)
- The Daily Bastardette: Is That All There Is? California AB 372 Passes out of Judiciary, April 27, 2009
- BB Church’s Funhouse: CARE Will Meet the Press, and AB 372 Hearing Drinking Game Rules, April 26, 2009
- The Daily Bastardette: Sometimes Words….April 22, 2009
- Bastard Nation Testimony Against AB 372. Leave No One Behind!, April 21, 2008
- Action Alert: Stop; California AB 372 Now!, April 21, 2009
- The Daily Bastardette: CARE’s Latest Gaff: When “I use a word…It means just what I choose it to mean, “ April 17, 2009
- BB Church’s Funhouse: Capacity, April 17, 2009
- BB Church’s Funhouse: Bad, Worse, Worst: AB 372 Limps into Judiciary, April 15, 2009
- The Daily Bastardette: CARE’s ‘s Bridge to Nowhere: New AB 372 Amendments Released–Drops Adoptees in the River, April 15, 2009
- The Daily Bastardette: Paying to Play in California, April 14, 2009
- BB Church’s Funhouse: CARE Pays to Play?. April 12, 2099
- BB Church’s Funhouse: “Skin in the Game,” April 4, 2009
- BB Church’s Funhouse: CARE doesn’t care about California’s Adoptees, Part 2. March 29, 2009 (scroll down for all March entries)
- The Daily Bastardette: New Language for AB352, March 28, 2009
- BB Church’s Funhouse: AB 272’s New Language, March 26, 2009 (scroll down)
- BB Church’s Funhouse: Separate is Not Equal, March 18, 2009 (scroll down)
- The Daily Bastardette: California: CARE’s Problem with History: Bastards Have None, March 15, 2009
- BB Church’s Funhouse: What’s the Rush? March 15, 2009 (scroll down)
- 73Adoptee: Perspectives on Adoption: Letter to California: No Compromise on Adoptee Rights, March 10, 2009
- BB Church’s Funhouse: What is Jean Strauss SMOKING? March 9, 2009 (scroll down)
- BB Church’s Funhouse: 73Adoptee Bears Witness for Those “Left Behind, Marc 2, 2009
- The Daily Bastardette: Blog Alert: 73Adoptee Takes Down Deformers, March 2, 2009
- 73Adoptee: Perspectives on Adoption: Compromise Legislation: Why Some Adoptees and Not Others, March 2, 2009
- BB Church’s Funhouse: Assembly Fiona Ma Opens the Door, February 27, 2009 (scroll down for all February entries)
- BB Church’s Funhouse: Tweets ‘n’ Twits, February 25, 2009
- Baby Love Child: California 372: The Care-tas-trophe–Taking the Bad Lack of Access and Actively Making it Worse, February 25, 2009
- BB Church’s Funhouse: BB Church v CARE, Nifka, THE Adoption Institute with One Hand Tied Behind My Back…, February 19, 2009
- BB Church’s Funhouse: CARE Knows My Name but Won’t Tell Me What It Is, February 14, 2009
- BB Church’s Funhouse: Does CARE Care? Nope, February 9, 2009
- The Daily Bastardette: California: I’m as Mad as Hell and I’m not Going to Take It Anymore. Bad Bill Hits the Boards, February 25, 2009
- CalOpen is Back! Please Visit Their Page, February 11, 2009
- The Daily Bastardette: We’ve Screwed Up Your State. Now We’re Coming to Screw Up Your State: California Reform Effort–Comments, February 9, 2009
- The Daily Bastardette: We’ve Screwed Up Your State. Now We’re Coming to Screw UP Your State: California Reform Effort–The Letter, February 9, 2009
- BB Church’s Funhouse: The Plot Thickens….CARE’s E-mail to it’s Supporters, February 7, 2009
- BB Church’s Funhouse: If You’re a California Adoptees, Then CARE has Plans for You, February 6, 2009
- BB Church’s Funhouse: If You’re a California Adoptees, Then CARE has Plans for You, February 6, 2009
- The Daily Bastardette: More Thoughts on the Coming California Fiasco, February 2, 2009
- The Daily Bastardette: The Terminator Terminates “Safe Haven” Baby Dump Expansion Again, October 2, 2008
- The Daily Bastardette: California: Why Safe Haven Proponents Oppose Safe Haven Expansion, May 21, 2008
- The Daily Bastardette, Guest Blogger Kevan Taylor-Perry: Confidentially Yours, Part 2 (California CI System), November 3, 2007
- The Daily Bastardette, Guest Blogger Kevan Taylor-Perry: Confidentially Yours, Part 1 (California CI System), Octobe4r 31, 2007
- Bastard Nation Letter to Gov. Arnold Schwarzanegger: Do not support AB81–expansion of baby dump law, September 18, 2007
- The Daily Bastardette: It’s Baaaccckkkk!!!!!: California Pols Attempt to Extend Safe Haven Again, February 24, 2007
- 2006The Daily Bastaradette: Go Arnie! Schwarrzenneger’s Veto Statement, October 3, 2006
- The Daily Bastardette: Stupid Things Californians Say about Baby Safe Haven Laws, August 3, 2006
- The Daily Bastardette: Bastard Nation Testimony in Opposition to AB 1873–Baby Dump Expansion, April 4, 2006
- Forward from California Open, No on SB 116–Permanent Legalized Baby Dumping. June 11, 2005.
- The Daily Bastardette: California: Facts Don’t Matter, March 21, 2005
- Bastard Nation Action Alert: Vote No on SB 1614, Preserve Public Access to the Full California Birth and Death Indices, August 23, 2002
Updated February 18, 2024