States: Virginia




Sealed:  1976

Access Status:  Sealed

  •  Adoptees age 18 or older can request identifying information from the Virginia Department of Social Services, which investigates the matter and takes into account “birth family” concerns about the release
  • If request is denied adoptees  can appeal
  • In parental placement adoptions, where the consent to the adoption was executed on or after July 1, 1994, the entire adoption record shall be open to the adoptive parents, the adoptee who is 18years of age or older, and a birth parent who executed a written consent to the adoption

Through a special arrangement with the Adoptee Rights Law Center, Bastard Nation is linking our individual state pages to ARLC state access law links and summaries. In addition. our state pages include information specific to Bastard Nation actions and activities in each state.

Read about current OBC access legislation with links to current and past years bills at our”Keep Informed” legislative pages (middle sidebar.)



Bastard Nation is a proud core member of the Capitol Coalition for Adoptee Rights


Kelly Layton, Ann Mikeska, and Rebecca Ricardo after the vote. (Courtesy of The Capitol Coalition for Adoptee Rights)








Updated: February 1, 2025

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