What in the World is Wisconsin Doing?

December 21, 2019

If passed, instead of receiving their Original Birth Certificates upon request, Lucky Bastards will receive a court -generated document– a copy of their Report of Adoption.form, The form is routinely sent by the court to the Wisconsin Office of Vital Statistics after an adoption is finalized, to request the Amended Birth Certificate be issued–if the adoptive parents have requested a new certificate. It includes the names of the child, birth and adoptive parents and other OBC information.

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AdoptionLand Loses Another One: RIP Kate Cleary

December 13, 2019

Kate was an adoptee rights pioneer. She served as the president of the American Adoption Congress in the late 1980s and early ’90s when it was.one of the few rights organizations around.. In 1999 she founded the Consortium for Children in San Rafael. California. to provide support and technical assistance to both public and private child welfare agencies.to create. positive outcomes for children and their families. thrown into “the system.”

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Bastard Nation Letter to PEI Assembly: Reject Bill No 29

November 24, 2019

Bill No. 29 clearly holds PEI’s adopted citizens to a greater set of birth record access requirements than the not-adopted who can access their record for the asking, Disclosure and contact vetoes, fines and jails cells all go against best practice adoption standards. These provisions are not only insulting to PEI’s adoptees, but are cruel and ugly. They pathologize adoptees and adoption as social institution. They make adoption and adoptees shameful and suggests to the public that we are dangerous.

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