Prince Edward Island

General Information

Political, Search, and Reunion




Age of access:  N/A

Adult adoptee access to original full name:  Conditional – Subject to the file indicating the adoption is open Section 47(4)

Adult Adoptee access to their OBC in full: Conditional – Subject to the file indicating the adoption is open Section 47(4)

Adult adoptee access to other identifying information about their natural parents:  No, but the government will notify their adoptive parents, even though the adoptee is an adult. Section 49(3)(b)

Natural parents of adult adoptee access to identifying information of adoptee:  Unclear

Disclosure Vetoes:  Unclear.  The province plans to introduce disclosure vetos in their new legislation.

Contact preferrences/vetos:  Not applicable currently.  Contact preferences or vetos are planned for the new proposed legislation.

 Passive Registry:  Available to: an adult adoptee- anyone who, in the Director’s opinion, has a significant relationship to an adult adoptee Section 49(1). BUT, they will notify the adoptive parents Section 49(3)(If a match with another close relative might result in identifying a natural parent to the adoptee, the natural parent’s consent for the reunion of the other parties is required before they will be notified of a match. Section 49

Active registry: Available to: an adult adoptee Section 50 BUT, the government will notify the adult adoptee’s adoptive parents first. Section 50(2)

Particularly bad things:  Notifying adoptive parents of an adult adoptee’s search (sections 49(3)(b) and 50(2) treats the adult adoptee as a child and as property, and violated their privacy rights. Adult adoptees should have the right to reconnect with natural family without the interference of their adoptive families.

Updates: The province has just completed a review in November 2018 and will be enacting new legislation, which it looks like the details of have already been decided









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Updated April 16, 2020

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