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Bastard Nation Testimony in Support of Texas HB 1386, March 17, 2021

March 18, 2021

Currently, Texas-born adoptees are subjected to serious discriminatory practices hindering their ability to obtain their Original Birth Certificates. Since 2005 the state has released OBCs upon request only to adoptees, who know the name(s) of the parent(s) listed on the document. These OBCs are released without the knowledge or consent of those parents.

The vast majority of everyone else is forced to navigate a cumbersome, difficult, humiliating, and insulting gauntlet of restrictions, arbitrary legal procedures, and naysayers,. and are almost always unsuccessful in their quest. The result of this discrimination is that adoptees are left to their own devices to obtain their own information through inexpensive DNA testing, social media, volunteer search angels, paid searchers. or their own sheer perseverance. I have known adoptees who have spent 30 years or more digging up information and spent over $50,000 in the process

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