Sealed: 1945
Unsealed: 2016
Access Status: Unsealed
- adoptees at age 18 and over AND birth parents of adult adoptees have unrestricted access to the entire, unredacted court file of the adoption, including a copy of the original birth certificate contained therein, upon request.
Through a special arrangement with the Adoptee Rights Law Center, Bastard Nation is linking our individual state pages to ARLC state access law links and summaries. In addition. our state pages include information specific to Bastard Nation actions and activities in each state.ead about current OBC access.
Read about current OBC access legislation with links to current and past years bills at our”Keep Informed” legislative pages (middle sidebar.)
- 2020 Legislation: B2052/SB2352 (safe haven)
- Hawai’i access law and summary
- Hawai’i State Legislature
- Notes on current access law in Hawai’i by Shea Grimm

- Another One Bites the Dust. HB2082 Signed by Governor: Unredacted court file to all adoptees without restriction, June 23, 2016
- Hawai’i HB2082 Passes House: Sent to governor, April 27, 2016
- Bastard Nation Action Alert: Hawai’i SB2153. Clean bill for records access. Vote YES. March 6, 2016
- Bastard Nation Submitted Testimony to Senate Judiciary Labor Law Committee, March 2, 2016 (scroll down All testimony included in this link)
- Hawai’i: Clean HB2082 Records Access Bill Passes Out of Committee, February 24, 2016
- Hawai’i: Bastard Nation Submitted Testimony to House Judiciary Committee, February 23. 2016 (scroll down All testimony included in this link)
- Thank Linda Lingle and Legislature, July 16, 2007
- Bastard Nation Thanks Gov Linda Lingle, July 16, 2007
- Legislature Overrides Lingle Veto, July 11, 2007
- Lingle Dumps the Dump: Vetoes HB1830, July 10, 2007
- Bastard Nation Action Alert. Veto HB1830, June 9, 2007
- Bastard Nation Action Alert. Stop HB1830–Baby Dump Override, July 8, 2007
- Is “Safe Haven” Baby Bill All That Safe? Honolulu Advertiser, May 31, 2007
- Bastard Nation Letter to Gov Lingle: Please veto HB1830 Baby Dump, May 23, 2007
- No Safe Haven by Al Hunt, Wall Street Journal, August 21, 2003
- Privacy v Secrecy: The Open Adoption Records Movement in Hawai’iby Bobbi W Y Lum. University of Hawai’i Law Review: 15:483
Updated December 2018
Update Novemberates.o