Date Sealed: 1941
Access Status: Restricted
- Tiered access
- Adoptees 18 and older can receive OBC subject to corrupt birthparent “contact preference form” that acts as a Disclosure Veto.
- Depending on whether one or two parents are listed on the original birth certificate, the OBC is either withheld entirely from the adoptee or identifying information is redacted.
- Identifying information on the OBC redacted if a parent requests contact through an intermediary.
Through a special arrangement with the Adoptee Rights Law Center, Bastard Nation is linking our individual state pages to ARLC state access law links and summaries. In addition. our state pages include information specific to Bastard Nation actions and activities in each state and about current OBC access.
Read about current OBC access legislation with links to current and past years bills at our”Keep Informed” legislative pages (middle sidebar.)
2021 Legislation: HB 76 (Safe haven Baby Box)
- 2020 Legislation: HB1434 (Safe haven Baby Box)
Proud Bastard Nation Partner: Missouri Open

- Years of searching, Independence man unable to track down birth certificate to prove existence. Fox 4 – Kansas City. December 30 2020
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- More good news out of Missouri…Baby Box bill dies, Daily Bastardette, May 23, 2020
- Good News from Missouri: Reclaim the Records takes down bureaucratic secret keepers, Bastard Nation, May 7, 2020
- What the Missouri is Going On? ? by Greg Luce, Adoptee Rights Law Center, January 5, 2018
- Missouri Update and Action Alert! Stop the war against adoptees. Veto HB 1599, May 11, 2016
- Bastard Nation announces partnership with Missouri Open, March 22, 2016
- They Don’t Care About Our Rights: Lies Deformers Tell, Daily Bastardette, February 28, 2016
- Bastard Nation Action Alert: Missouri 1599 amended and deformed. Oppose today!, February 22, 2016
- Submitted Testimony t0 Committee on Children and Families, February 16, 2016
- What Would Orwell Do? Who’s Confused in Missouri (HB1599/HB1622), February 16, 2016
- Bastard Nation Action Alert Missouri: Stop attempt to kill adoptee rights in MO. Oppose HB 1822. Support HB 1599, February 15, 2016
- Bastard Nation Testimony in Support of HB1599, February 2, 2016
- Action Alert: House Committee on Children and Families, HB 1599: Write today to support unrestricted access, January 31, 2016
- The Daily Bastardette. SB 713: Missouri, Thy Name is Misery, February 17. 2012
- Bastard Nation Testimony on Missouri SB 713 – Oppose. January 25, 2012
- Bastard Nation’s Letter to Missouri Governor Jay Nixon: Please Veto SB 351. This is not an adoptee rights bill! May 23, 2011
- Bastard Nation Action Alert: Write Missouri Governor Jay Nixon to Veto SB 351, This is not an adoptee rights bill! May 20, 20 2011
- Bastard Nation Submitted Testimony: Missouri HB 351–Oppose, March 29, 2011
- The Daily Bastardette. Missouri: Dumb & Dumber–The Compromise Continues, January 7, 2010
- The Daily Bastardette. HB 1237: Missouri Compromise Redux, December 31, 2010
- Missouri: Teen Sex Lives May Be Investigated bu Prosecutors: for their own good, Daily Bastardette, March 31, 2010
- The Daily Bastardette. Bronchitis, Bastards, and Biohazards, January 31, 2008
- The Daily Bastardette. Missouri Needs Your Help: Restore Adoptee Rights Now!, February 26, 2006
- Missouri SB351 Passes Senate: Bastard subservience in the name of protection and shame continues, Daily Bastardette, April 8, 2004
- Bastard Nation Action Alert, Support Missouri SB322; Clean Bill, February 23, 2003
- Bastard Nation Action Alert: Support Adoptee Rights in Missouri, March 27, 2001
- Missouri Open 2000 website, (archival)
Updated January 18, 2021