Maryland: SB 331 Defeat: Adoptee Civil Rights is “A Bad Idea”

March 31, 2021

Once it hit the Senate floor, however, adoption imperialist warlords and ladies pushed their panic buttons. They were so aggrieved at us lifting our collective leg on them that they attempted to erase us from our own narratives and records (and thus their own minds) by hacking away with that old rusty saw of “birthmother privacy” and (gasp!) “broken government promises.” As if the government has never broken a real promise or spouted a fake one!

This, Fellow Bastards, is some of the worst dehumanizing and outlandish misinformation about adoption and Class Bastard that I’ve heard in years. Did Bill Pierce, the late founding president of the National Council for Adoption, rise from the dead and channel himself through Senator Michael Hough (R ) and his gang of merry bigoted bipartisan busybodies? 

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Bastard Nation Testimony in Support of Maryland SB 331. Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee

February 1, 2021

Current Maryland law let’s adopted people at the age of 21 years or older whose adoptions were finalized on or after January 1, 2000 to receive their OBC on request, subject to disclosure veto filings; thus, granting a favor for some adoptees but not others depending upon date of birth, adoption and third-person approval. Until all adoptees have a right to unrestricted ownership of their original birth certificates none enjoy that right. It is only a discriminatory favor and privilege.

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Bastard Nation Action Alert. Attention Marylanders: Maryland SB 331 Senate Judiciary Committee – DO PASS!

January 20, 2021

The Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee has scheduled a hearing for SB 331 on January 26, 2021.

SB 331 is a non-restricted, non-conditional bill to restore the right of all Maryland -born adoptees at the age of 18 or older to receive a copy of their Original Birth Certificate upon request. It is sponsored by Senator Susan Lee. A companion House bill should be introduced shortly.

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Bastard Nation Submitted Testimony Maryland H1039: Unrestricted OBC Access. Do Pass

February 21, 2020

Bastard Nation and its members in Maryland have worked in Maryland since the late 1990s to secure a change in OBC/adoption record access laws that restore the right of all the state’s adoptees ,not just the select few as under current law who are currently forced to navigate a cumbersome, difficult, and insulting gauntlet of restrictions, arbitrary procedures, and naysayers, to receive their own OBC,s which are rightfully theirs, without restriction.

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