Bastard Nation Action Alert: Utah H345 restricted bill goes to Senate. Kill it now!

March 10, 2020

Please drop a line to Utah Senators and ask them to oppose HB 345.  .There is no state interest in keeping original birth certificates sealed from adult adoptees to which they pertain. Nor does the state have a right or duty to mediate and oversee the personal relationships of adults. Those who claim a statutory right to parental anonymity through sealed records, as found in HB 345, promote statutory privilege and state favoritism. This is not a bill adoptees want or need.  Only unrestricted, unconditional OBC access is acceptable.

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Arizona: Unrestricted HB2600 passes House; on to Senate

February 28, 2020

Arizona has a long,curious and confusing history of adoptee records access. Before 1945 OBCs were open to the adoptee and the general public. In 1952 OBCs were closed to the public but still open to the adoptee. In 1967 OBCs were sealed to all adoptees. In 1997 OBCs were unsealed to a select few adoptees whose adoptions had been finalized 75 years ago or longer(!) Then in 2004 OBCs were again sealed to all adoptees This jumble of yes, no maybe, and no again makes no sense, especially now in an era of openness and transparency in adoption and the unsealing of adoption records around the country

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Bastard Nation Submitted Testimony Maryland H1039: Unrestricted OBC Access. Do Pass

February 21, 2020

Bastard Nation and its members in Maryland have worked in Maryland since the late 1990s to secure a change in OBC/adoption record access laws that restore the right of all the state’s adoptees ,not just the select few as under current law who are currently forced to navigate a cumbersome, difficult, and insulting gauntlet of restrictions, arbitrary procedures, and naysayers, to receive their own OBC,s which are rightfully theirs, without restriction.

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Bastard Nation Testimony on SB113 – clean records bill. Do Pass

The passage in 2015 of Public Act 14-133 which restored the right of OBC access to Connecticut adopted persons whose adoptions were finalized after October 1, 1983, shows that the legislature understands the justice in OBC access. Unfortunately, 30,000 of the state’s adoptees were left behind in that limited law—their records remaining sealed and available only through a court order. SB 113 finishes the job making all Connecticut adoptees subject to the same right of access and due process.

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Massachusetts: Bastard Nation letter requesting movement on clean bill HB1892/SB1287

February 16, 2020

A few weeks ago Access Massachusetts asked help in moving clean bills HB1892/SB1267 out of committee and on for a vote. The bills were recently voted favorable out of the Joint Committee on Public Health and are now in the House Seering, Policy, Scheduling Committee of the House. Access Massachusetts is not affiliated with Bastard Nation but we wholeheartedly support this bill that will level the playing field and restore the right of all Massachusetts adoptees to their OBC.  Below is the letter we sent tonight in support of the bill and movement forward.

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