Action Alert: HR 1593 Adoptee Citizenship Act 2021. Tweet today!

March 24, 2021

On March 4, 2021, Washington Representative Adam Smith and Utah Representative John Curtis introduced the bipartisan HR1593 Adoptee Citizenship Act of 2021 to provide U.S. citizenship to international adoptees who were brought to the U.S. as children but never granted citizenship. The following members of Congress have co-sponsored this legislation in the past. Let’s get them on board again!

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Texas HB 683 Seeks to Expand Baby Moses Abandonment Age to 1-year. Why we oppose

HB 683 posits that anonymously and legally abandoning into the Baby Moses system, an older child up to the age of 1 year–a child with an established identity, family, personal relationships, social and medical history, and ties to the community is necessary, much less ethical. While family counseling, respite care, temporary foster care, and even adoption can be solutions to parental child-rearing problems, anonymously dumping a child of any age—especially an older child–should never be seen and urged as a solution, particularly by the state.

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Bastard Nation Testimony in Support of Texas HB 1386, March 17, 2021

March 18, 2021

Currently, Texas-born adoptees are subjected to serious discriminatory practices hindering their ability to obtain their Original Birth Certificates. Since 2005 the state has released OBCs upon request only to adoptees, who know the name(s) of the parent(s) listed on the document. These OBCs are released without the knowledge or consent of those parents.

The vast majority of everyone else is forced to navigate a cumbersome, difficult, humiliating, and insulting gauntlet of restrictions, arbitrary legal procedures, and naysayers,. and are almost always unsuccessful in their quest. The result of this discrimination is that adoptees are left to their own devices to obtain their own information through inexpensive DNA testing, social media, volunteer search angels, paid searchers. or their own sheer perseverance. I have known adoptees who have spent 30 years or more digging up information and spent over $50,000 in the process

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Bastard Nation Testimony in Support of Maryland SB 331. Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee

February 1, 2021

Current Maryland law let’s adopted people at the age of 21 years or older whose adoptions were finalized on or after January 1, 2000 to receive their OBC on request, subject to disclosure veto filings; thus, granting a favor for some adoptees but not others depending upon date of birth, adoption and third-person approval. Until all adoptees have a right to unrestricted ownership of their original birth certificates none enjoy that right. It is only a discriminatory favor and privilege.

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Not with a Bang! Not with a Whimper! Arizona HB 2070 Gets Ripped While “Activists” Go Quiet

January 29, 2021

t was amended down. A lot. Instead of unrestricted unsealing, the Committee decided to keep records closed for those born between 1968-2021. That’s well over half of Arizona adoptees who will (if the bill passes) remain sealed and secret, An amendment was also offered but rejected to add a Disclosure Veto. Oh, and another politician is worried about protecting the “DNA rights “ of birthparents.  What’s he want to do? Ban adoptees from owning Ancestry accounts? Perhaps he was channeling Bill Pierce who long ago declared that it should be illegal for adoptees to use phone books to look for first parents. This is the kind of nonsense Class Bastard is subjected to daily by legos and lawmakers.

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Bastard Nation Action Alert. Attention Marylanders: Maryland SB 331 Senate Judiciary Committee – DO PASS!

January 20, 2021

The Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee has scheduled a hearing for SB 331 on January 26, 2021.

SB 331 is a non-restricted, non-conditional bill to restore the right of all Maryland -born adoptees at the age of 18 or older to receive a copy of their Original Birth Certificate upon request. It is sponsored by Senator Susan Lee. A companion House bill should be introduced shortly.

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