We Keep on Fighting… PassA5494
Updates from NYARC:
BOOM. STEP TWO DONE. By what appears to be a near unanimous vote, A5494 has been reported out of the Codes Committee WITHOUT AMENDMENT and reported to Rules. It can move very fast at this point and we’ll keep you updated about the remaining steps, ending on the Assembly floor. Start downing coffee, Red Bull, or something stronger if you are in this for the long haul, likely into the wee morning.
We take one huge step forward with Codes. And one step has now been added for the first time. A5494 has been referred to Ways and Means in addition to Codes. It is on the agenda for today in both committees.
Step One today: on the agenda in Codes Committee, where at least 17 of 22 members have endorsed A5494. We’ll keep you updated
#GetItRight #MakeItEqual

Original Post
We don’t give out false hope. So when we say it’s possible that A5494 may pass in the Assembly today or tomorrow, we’re serious. I am currently in Albany and outside the Assembly chamber—and I will be here all day and into the night—talking to assembly members and shoring up what is already overwhelming support for A5494.
The news is positive but not definitive. We hope to see A5494 move to the floor today or late tonight. At the same time, it appears that the Assembly may stay in town an extra day or two to finish up business, which could include passage of our bill. As with all legislative work, it is unpredictable until the end. But we don’t give out false hope when there’s no hope for passage—nor will be pessimistic and give outsized influence to opponents when that’s also not warranted. There is hope and we will work with that hope today and to the very end.
Keep on sharing your thoughts and support on social media, tagging Governor Andrew Cuomo and Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie. You have all made a difference to get us this far.
The Assembly proceeding is always live-streamed and available here. Keep an eye out. We will also tweet out and post information on Facebook during the day and into the night. We are doing everything it takes.
Best to you, and thanks for all you have done to get us here!
Annette O’Connell
Basic Information on NYARC
Core Organizations
Adoption and Foster Family Coalition of New York
Adoptee Rights Law Center
Bastard Nation: The Adoptee Rights Organization
Strategic Partner
Reclaim the Records
Supporting Organizations
AdoptieZaken & Familierecht (AZF/Netherlands)
California Open
Canada Open Records
Concerned United Birthparents
Equality for Adoptees
Indiana Open
Know Your Own
Michigan Open Records
Minnesota Coalition for Adoption Reform
Missouri Open
National Center on Adoption and Permanency
New York Genealogical and Biographical Society
Nevada Open
Post Adoption Center for Education & Resources (PACER)