Where Things Stand Now
Since passage of the Weprin/Montgomery Bill less than three weeks ago, we’ve heard plenty of unfounded rumors and have lately had to deal with groups who still desire to derail our work and to pursue a different and inequitable agenda. It’s time to set a few things straight and to outline what we are working on as our efforts continue.
First, despite crazy conspiracy theories making their rounds, our bill is not going to be vetoed. We are confident in that. It had overwhelming legislative support, is fundamentally and legally sound, and has the support of Governor Cuomo’s administration. Right now, the legislature and the governor’s office is simply dealing with the logistics of New York legislation. Here’s what that currently looks like.
The New York Assembly and Senate passed at least 1,000 bills this past session. Of those, only a small fraction have been delivered to the Governor for signature. Nearly 90 percent of all bills passed by both chambers are still awaiting the next step: delivery to the governor. This is typically a coordinated effort where the logistics of choosing which bills to consider—and when to consider them—are worked out between the legislative and executive branches. Typically, bills are packaged and sent over in bulk for consideration, and we do not have concerns about our bill making it to the governor’s desk.

The downside to this is waiting for bills to be delivered to Governor Cuomo. While we love our bill and support it—and it has overwhelming love and support from hundreds of thousands of others—we don’t expect it to get special treatment or a white-gloved silver platter delivery to the governor. It’s special, sure, but it’s not the bellwether of New York politics. So we wait, and we continue to be in contact with legislators and the governor’s office about progress. Obviously, once we hear anything, we’ll pass that information on. But speculating about who knows what and why there has been a “delay” does nothing but make this current legislative process worse. Just hang tight. We will get there. If you keep asking us, we’ll tell you the same thing: we expect Governor Cuomo to sign the bill once he has it in front of him. No one is hiding the ball here.
What We Are Doing
We are doing two things, and one will involve you. First, we are maintaining contact with key legislators and with the Cuomo administration. We want to know when the bill may be delivered and we also want to know anything else that can help get it signed quickly.
That said, there are things you can do, and we will be rolling out those efforts this week. Namely, contacting Governor Cuomo to express support and enactment of S3419, the Adoptee Rights Bill. You are free to do that now if you want, but we will also be coordinating a wave of support over the next several weeks. Basically, we don’t want a mass campaign with thousands of emails and calls going to the Governor’s office on one or two days, then nothing happening after that. We will also be targeting those emails and calls so that they can provide better context for you and for the Governor, such as telling Governor Cuomo that your representatives support the bill (if you are a New York resident) or that you are an adoptee in another state, a birthparent, or an adoptive parent. It’s key that we continue to highlight the broad and universal support behind enactment of S3419.
Know one thing: we did it. We did what was needed and we remain positive that our progress will continue. Now let’s pull together and get it done. Look for emails and posts from us as we work on the next phase of enacting equal rights legislation for New York’s adult adoptees. Thank you!