Two weeks ago we were excited to join the Adoptees For Justice Twitterstorm. We urged Bastard Nationals to join in. We don’t know how many did, but we want to thank those who participated. Personally, I had a great time. It was exhilarating, easy, and fun–and very well organized.
Adoptees for Justice analyzed the action and reported the outstanding results:
We are so excited to share about our latest campaign, our Adoptee Citizenship Twitter Storm where we were joined by 859 participants to send over 7200 tweets to over 30 different members of Congress, who are all situated in positions to make this bill a reality for the many adoptees impacted by lack of citizenship.
Adoptees for Justice is carrying the tweetstorm a step further. On September 23, 2:00PM est/11AM pst its holding a Virtual Rally to support the passage of HR 2731, The Adoptee Citizenship Act.
Bastard Nation has endorsed the ACA since 2015. For more information on adoptee citizenship and deportation go to BN’s Citizenship Page where you will find our policy paper and support and legislative links
Please join us for this important event
Support inter-country adoptees
Support their citizenship
Leave no one behind
RSVP for the rally
Visit the rally toolkit. It makes participation super easy
Here is the entire Justice for Adoptees Action Alert:
Although this bill has been introduced twice before (in 2015 and 2017), this is the first time that the Adoptee Citizenship Act has ever been scheduled for a hearing, a key step in the legislative process.
Wednesday September 23 | 11-1am PST/ 12-2pm MST/ 1-3pm CST/ 2-4pm EST
Add to your Google Calendar:
Twitter ( Follow @Adoptees4Just a Go to our Toolkit with clickable links – you won’t have to draft a single tweet, just click, edit, and send!
-Because adoptees were not naturalized correctly as children, adoptees are suffering as adults today.
-Without citizenship, adoptees fear separation from their families and the only home they’ve ever known.
-Deported adoptees struggle to survive in a country they left as children without knowledge of the culture, language, or any known family.
-grants retroactive citizenship to international adoptees
-creates a path home with citizenship for deported adoptees
-creates equality between adopted and biological children of U.S. citizens

The House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration & Citizenship is holding a hearing on Immigrants as Essential Workers. During COVID-19 during which time a statement by Adoptees for Justice about the Adoptee Citizenship Act will be included on Wednesday 9/23 at 2 pm ET. The hearing is a critical step in the legislative process. With 3 months until H.R.2731 expires, we need to demonstrate our support for the Adoptee Citizenship Act and citizenship for ALL adoptees.
-Follow @Adoptees4Just on Twitter.
-Look out for our Twitter Toolkit (click and Tweet)!
-Tweet using the #Citizenship4Adoptees hashtag and tag the Subcommittee Representatives! @RepKenBuck @RepZoeLofgren @RepJayapal @RepMGS @RepMcClintock @RepDMP @RepGregSteube @JacksonLeeTX18 @RepArmstrongND @RepEscobar @RepLouCorrea @RepDLesko @RepAndyBiggsAZ @RepJoeNeguse @RepSylviaGarcia.
We’re encouraging people to use Twitter because that’s the favored platform of politicians, who hold the fate of the Adoptee Citizenship Act in their hands. However, stay tuned for other ways to support the Adoptee Citizenship Act now if Twitter isn’t an option for you!