BBastard Nation: the Adoptee Rights Organization
PO Box 4607
New Windsor, New York 12553-7845
Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now
6537 S. Staples Drive, Ste 125
Corpus Christi, Texas 78412
Bastard Nation Action Alert
January 28, 2025
Plese Distribute Freely
Oregon is the heart and soul of the Adoptee Rights Movement.
Over 25 years ago, our Ballot Measure 58 restored the right of all Oregon-born adopted persons the right to obtain their OBCs without restrictions or conditions. Thousands of Oregon adoptees and their biological families have benefited from that measure. Since then, Oregon had led the nation by passing further legislation to secure openness and transparency in its adoption system, access for the adopted and their biological parents to adoption files and courts records, and to dispel overall adoption shame and hypocrisy of the past and into the future. Oregon is by far, the gold standard for adoptee equal rights in US. The Oregon adopted automatically expect to be treated with dignity and respect.
This record is now in danger with the introduction of HB 2901, a bill to legalize the use of Safe Haven Baby Boxes sanitized as “newborn safety devices”. A previous bill went nowhere. This bill has legs, and it is moving fast–reportedly a bi-partisan priority.
A hearing is scheduled in the in the House Early Childhood and Human Services Committee on Thursday January 30, 2025, at 8 AM. We need to kill this monster before it moves any farther. We just submitted our testimony online and sent it also to each members and sponsor separately.
Ordinarily we don’t post our testimony before a hearing, but we are making an exception this time. You can read it here. Information specific to Oregon and for guidance are in it. Included here are links to the attachments I submitted with our testimony. Use them freely, especialy the bullet point sheet.
The Bill
HB2901 Legislative Page and Bill
These can be read/downloaded from the main page of the Infant Abandonment Study Group page:
- Interdisciplinary Center for Bioethics at Yale University: An Open Letter to HHS Leadership about Policy Responses to Crisis Pregnancies.
- Legislative Report: US Policy Reponses to Infant Abandonment and In Infant Abandonment. Yale Interdisciplinary Center for Bioethics, Infant Abandonment Strategic Working Group, Interdisciplinary Center for Bioethics, Yale University, November 1, 2024
Testimony and Letters
Testimony is really easy to submit. Go to the Oregon Legislative Information site; pick out January 30, 2025; then House Early Childhood and Human Services Committee. 8 AM session, and you are there. Fill out the short form, download, and submit. The submission form does not except attachments to your document.
Go here for a short video on the submission process along with information on how to give testimony in person or remote.
Please submit testimony and contact each member, too.
Contact list:
I have checked all of the addys and none bounce.
Thank you