On June 15, 2022, Governor. John Bel Edwards signed HB 450--the bill that restores the right of all Louisiana-born adopted people to their Original Birth Certificates upon request, without restriction.The House, voted 76-21 and the Senate 29-5. For Pete’s sake, Louisiana! Louisiana! If Louisiana can acknowledge, codify our rights, and pass a bill, then any state can!
Due to the state’s forced heirship law, unique to Louisiana and its Napoleonic Code framework, adopted people 24 and up can obtain their OBC. Sponsors said that if it weren’t for that oddity in the law (which includes a lot of other laws), they would have gone for the usual 18 or 21.
The law goes into effect on August 1, 2022.

This is a tremendous victory, Big thanks to The Louisiana Coalition for Adoption Reform, The Louisiana Adoption Advisory Board, Pelican State Partners, and all of the people that walked the halls or took a moment to contact Louisiana lawmakers and let their voices be heard. A special thanks to lead sponsor Rep Chuck Owen, who used his own story and advocated for justice, not agendas, to win. It’s been a pleasure to work with y’all! Your focus was outstanding.
Louisiana is the 12th state to codify adoptee equality. Can’t we make 2022 a trifecta?!
Vermont and Louisiana down; Massachusetts to go this year.
We apologize for losing track of time and not posting a notice when the bill passed the Senate. Go to the Bastard Nation Louisiana Page for links to news stories and other information about the campaign.
Please follow https://www.facebook.com/LaAdoptReform for all accurate and current information regarding the new Act 470, any questions you may have, its implementation and all 🎉🎉celebrations to follow😄