Tuesday the Georgia House Judiciary Committee voted DO PASS on SB64, a bill that will restore full unhindered access to the OBCs of Georgia-born adoptees. Now on to the House!
Last week the bill passed the Senate 54-0.
Though there were several people there to testify in support, they waived and our friend Jamie Weiss from the Georgia Adoptee Rights Alliance (and Facebook) took the mic with the sponsor Senate sponsor Randy Robertson (R-Cataula)
You can watch the hearing
Bastard Nation Legislation 2023 page
Bastard Nation Georgia State page
Thank you so much for this update and all the updates you provide! I turn 70 in a few months but I retain my hope that before I die I’ll see fully ‘Open Records’ everywhere not just in acknowledgment of a fundamental human right but of a fundamental human need to know and embrace one’s history as a necessity for living a fulfilled and flourishing life. Again, thank you.
Thanks so much, Randy. You’ve played a part in this too. It’s just taking mujh more time than we expected. What’s weird is that Georgia, Louisiana, and South Dakota are unsealing records when at the same time California has introduced a reactionary bill with redactions and court involvement. In some states, there is no or very little opposition at all.
Great job Jamie Weiss! You are a rock star.