Bad politics is running rampant through AdoptionLand this year, but we have good news out of Georgia: OBC bill passed the Senate; Baby Abandonment Box bill died in House.
March 6 marked cross-over day. That is, by that date bills needed to pass in one house to be sent to the other for consideration this session.
On March 6, the Georgia Senate voted 55-0 to pass SB100 a bill to restore the right of all Georgia adoptees to their OBCs. Now it’s on to the House. Last year a similar bill passed the Senate 54-0 and the House Judiciary Committee unanimously. It did not receive a Floor vote and died at the end of the session. This year’s session ends April 2.
The Georgia Alliance for Adoptee Rights carries the load. Please support them and sign up for updates and action alerts. Also Facebook.
This leaves clean viable OBC bills running in Pennsylvania, Texas, and West Virginia, but Texas is going nowhere. It hasn’t even been assigned to a committee. An adopteephobic bill in Idaho passed the House and is now in the Senate Judiciary and Rules Committee.
HB350, the baby abandonment box bill, failed to make it out of the House Rules Committee. Previously, it unanimously passed the House Public Safety and Homeland Security Committee Similar bills died 2022 and 2024. The awkwardly named Bringing New Botn Safety Devices to Georgia, the SHBB Inc surrogate in the state, vows to return next year.
Unfortunately, baby abandonment boxes are over the map– literally. As of today, there are 19 bills to legalize them, and another 9 to amend them to make them either more Draconian or to stick taxpayers with the bill for the so-called free service. Bills in Colorado and Wyoming are dead. Utah lawmakers gutted all BB language from their bill.