A few weeks ago I was interviewed by Lisa Ryan from a local NPR station in Illinois about SB 1670, an amendment to the state’s Safe Haven law. My central gripe about the bill is that it would create a “foundling birth certificate” to serve as an original birth certificate for all newborns “relinquished” at a state-authorized safe haven ” drop off point. The certificate, to protect parental anonymity, will contain no identifying information about the relinquishing parent even if that information is known to hospital, fire, police, or social service authorities.
The bill has gotten little play in the media, and I figured it would pass unnoticed. I was surprised then that NPR picked it up and wanted to talk to me. Lisa and I talked for some time, but the bill seemed to float into the ether, and I didn’t think the story would air. So, today I was surprised to find a short piece with a sound byte from me online from a broadcast on April 5: Some adoptees oppose proposed changes to Safe Haven law. My quote doesn’t get to the heart of what we but I thought I’d post the piece.

I’m trying to learn where the bill stands. That is really stands–not what the Illinois leg page says. I talked to chief sponsor Sen Steans’ aide a couple weeks ago and she didn’t seem to know what was happening. I do know that Sara Feigenholtz and her rubber stamp Adoption Committee have their fingers in it. Don’t know if that is good or bad, but Sneaky Sara’s mentor Sen. Thomas Culbertson has signed on as a co-sponsor. A confidential source, however, passed me some information that quite a number of social service agencies have concerns
Cross-posted from The Daily Bastardette