Legislation, News March 7, 2021

Legislative Updates and Bastard Nation Testimony, March 7, 2021

by Marley Greiner

Legislative season is in full swing, and boy, is it hectic!  We are following more than 30 bills so far, with more on the horizon.

The latest Bastard Nation Legislative Page is now up. There are lots of changes since last week, including the movement forward of bad bills in Idaho and Iowa. Baby Boxes are amoebic. On the federal level, we have the introduction of the  Adoptee Citizenship Act of 2021, a re-introduction of the Adoptee Citizenship Act, 2019-2020.

We have added testimony/letters that BN sent to Idaho, Iowa, and Rhode Island to their individual state pages.

Please keep checking our Legislative updates as well as State pages for updates. If you have additions or corrections let us know.  bastardnation3@gmail.com

More updates will appear later this week.

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