BREAKING NEWS!! We will be posting a link for a live feed in the morning!! Session starts at 1pm #GetItRight #MakeItEqual #WeprinMontgomeryBill

BREAKING NEWS!! We will be posting a link for a live feed in the morning!! Session starts at 1pm #GetItRight #MakeItEqual #WeprinMontgomeryBill
Your one-stop shopping for everything Bastard. Our latest Bastard Nation swag, including t-shirts, jewelry cards, and gee-gaws at the Bastard Boutique. Quantities are limited! -- CLICK THE PIC!
Visit our refurbished and expanded Bastard Nation Reading Room and become a Well-Read Bastard. Start with The Bastard Chronicles: 20 Years of Adoptee Equality Activism in the U.S.and the Birth of a Bastard Nation, compiled and edited by Marla Paul. The Bastard Chronicles is a primer for adoptee equality. Print edition available in the Bastard Boutique and on Amazon. (also available on Kindle).
Bastard Beanies are in the Boutique! BN’s very own Addie Recoy of Addie Recoy Designs created patches for our Bastard Beanies! As always, BN is an all-volunteer organization that relies on donations and purchases of Swag to fund our Who’s Next? Fund. There’s going to be some important legislation happening with the New Year, so please think about us at giving time!..
TXARC: Bastard Nation. Equality for Adoptees, GLARE (Gladney Adoptees for Rights and Equality), Adoptee Rights Law Center
Stop deporting our brothers and sisters!
Taken from Bastard Nation Alert
Bastard Nation Action Alert: Write Washington Inslee Governor Today! Kill HB1525
Bastard Nation Action Alert: Stop Washington HB1525 and SB5118 Today!
Oklahoma HB 2634: Geographically Limited Action Alert
Bastard Nation's Letter to Kathleen Strottman, CAAI: Your message is "we don't count."
This summer we are updating our membership/donation page and payment process. If you would like to join or donate, please hit the spermie. It will take you to our Bastard Boutique page. Follow instructions from there. Be sure to include a quick note with your contact information and anything else you'd like us us know..
Bastard Nation needs Legislative Liaisons in every state with laws that seal adoption records. We need eyes and ears in the legislatures, creating relationships and gathering information.
What does a BN Legislative Liaison do? They talk with lawmakers and their staff about adoptee rights and the laws that seal records. They distribute Bastard Nation position papers and FAQs to legislators and staff members. They record their conversations and report to the BN Legislative Committee.
They are organized, informed, friendly, helpful, and engaged.
What do you need to do to be a BN Legislative Liaison?
1. You need to live close to the capitol of your state.
2. You need to be able to appear friendly, even when talking with people who disagree with you or are just disagreeable, period.
3. You need to have a flexible schedule.
4. You need to agree with Bastard Nation’s mission: If you don’t know what that is, go to, it’s right there on our welcome page.
Those are the prerequisites. If you are interested, click the picture of the capitol rotunda, and fill out the application form. We will be in touch and schedule an online orientation and training.
We look forward to working with you!
Join us on the Official Bastard Nation Facebook page. The only "adoption" page on Facebook dedicated to discussion and promotion of adoptee autonomy, civil rights, bastard theory, political organizing, and activism. You can also sign up there for our BN mail list which includes all of our Action Alerts. This is not a search and support page. No Woundies need apply! (Page live on July 1, 2015)
Join the Bastard Nation Public Page, a public service for Bastard Nationals, friends and supporters. General discussion on adoptee rights and related issues.
Join us on Pinterest. Bastard icons, images, members, actions, politics, and fun. And Christopher Walken!