I apologize for the lateness of this post. The deadline is tomorrow, NOVEMBER 11, 2022 Badness on me!
US international adoptees once more need our help in passing The Adoptee Citizenship Act of 2021. It MUST pass this year. The Bill passed the House in February and has been sitting in the Senate since then. With the midterm election and the impending retirement of sponsor Sen. Roy Blount (R-MO), it is imperative to act now.
Adoptees for Justice sent out this short but urgent message:
We are asking for your help again in signing onto a coalition letter urging House and Senate leadership to include the Adoptee Citizenship Act in the FY23 Appropriations Omnibus bill.
LETTER TEXT: https://tinyurl.com/ycnh6dad
SIGN-ON FORM: https://tinyurl.com/2xxvpv2j
SIGNATORIES (view only): https://tinyurl.com/53hesjce\
NOTE: I had trouble connecting with the links, so try Contact Senators
DEADLINE: 11/11/22
More About the Adoption Citizenship Act
The Adoptee Citizenship Act of 2021 passed the US House on Friday, February 4, as an amendment to the massive ($350 billion) COMPETES Act–a bill that has nothing to do with adoption, immigration, or citizenship.
This is the full amendment, which reads differently from the ACA 2021 language but has essentially the same impact:
(a) IN GENERAL.—Section 104 of the Child Citizenship Act of 2000 (8 U.S. C. 1431 note) is amended to read as follows:
‘‘The amendments made by this title shall take effect 120 days after the date of the enactment of this Act and shall apply—
‘‘(1) to individuals who satisfy the requirements of section 320 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1431), before, on, or after the date of the enactment of this Act; and
‘(2) to individuals who satisfy the requirements of section 322 (8 U.S.C. 1433) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, as in effect on such effective date.’’.
(1) IN GENERAL.—The amendments made by this section shall take effect on the date of the enactment of this section
(2) LIMITATION.—An individual who, before the date of the enactment of the Child Citizenship Act of 2000 (Public Law 106-395), satisfied the requirements of section 320(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1431(a)), or section 320(b) of such Act, if applicable, is deemed to be a citizen of the United States as of the date of the enactment of this section if such individual is not a citizen of the United States under any other Act.
Amending Citizenship into COMPETES is a complicated procedure. Gregory Luce, founder and director of The Adoptee Rights Law Center, who also represents international adopted people facing deportation, has published a FAQ that explains in lay terms, what it all means, what the “act” includes (and doesn’t) and what we can expect next.
Amending the ACA into COMPETES was a complicated procedure The original COMPETES Act, without ACA, already passed the Senate but will need to return there for further work.
Gregory Luce, founder and director of The Adoptee Rights Law Center, who also represents international adopted people facing deportation, has published a FAQ that explains in lay terms, what it all means, what and whom the “act” includes (and doesn’t and why) and what we can expect next.
Bastard Nation has supported ACA in its various forms for years and continues to work for passage. You can find more information about adoptee citizenship legislation and deportation on our Citizenship page. This page includes links to international adoptee organizations and others also working for passage. Follow our Legislative Page for updates on state and federal legislation.
i am intercountry adoptee
As an international adoptee, adopted into the USA, this bill is a MUST NEED in order to fully give adopted people that “second chance” all those hope for when adoption happens. Please give all adult adoptees who were adopted by American parent(s), no matter what year they were adopted in, US Citizenship!!! Please help all Adoptees, should be home with their American Families!!!”2023″👪🏡💔🙏
This is totally unfair🥺Please help All Legal Adoptees, come home it’s so wrong to separate families! As an international adoptee, adopted into the USA, this bill is a MUST NEED in order to fully give adopted people that “second chance” all those hope for when adoption happens. Please give all adult adoptees who were adopted by American parent(s) no matter what year they were adopted in, US citizenship!!! please help all Adoptees whom should be home reunited with their American Families.”2023″ it’s been a long wait…life is short for all of equally, Michelle 👪🏡🙏💔✈️🗽🇺🇸😔
This is totally unfair🥺Please help All Legal Adoptees, come home it’s so wrong to separate families! As an international adoptee, adopted into the USA, this bill is a MUST NEED in order to fully give adopted people that “second chance” all those hope for when adoption happens. Please give all adult adoptees who were adopted by American parent(s) no matter what year they were adopted in, US citizenship!!! please help all Adoptees return home reunited with their American Families.”2023″ it’s been a long wait…life is short for all us!
Michelle 👪🏡🙏💔✈️🗽🇺🇸😔🤯
Nowadays there is a CCA law that took place and gives Automatic Citizenship to any Adoptee, But excluded by a date, all Legal Adoptees whom also paid same fees for legal adoption complete process. Problem They weren’t included in CCA law, now even though parents paid large fees when all of us were children, are waiting for another law to pass and include them in the CCA law, Question, how is this an immigration issue, when it’s an Adoption issue that forgot about All Legal Adoptees, shouldn’t it be a law of all Adoptees… Please help, should I find old lawyer who took my parents money and didn’t even explain anything further, I’m adopted married to a us citizen thought I was a citizen myself have 4 US children, I even adopted one myself, and live in another country not able to see my family for now 13 years😭something is wrong… Please help, all Legal Adoptees,
We have to do something!!! Why is this a slow process, when it should be priority, We are Legal US Adoptees with Legal paperwork, both Governments already Legally agreed process years ago, why are we still waiting and somehow left out of CCA law, is this a form of discrimination, against American Legal Adoptees by US citizens Parents… meanwhile everyone in our American families are still waiting for it to be fixed, it’s now YEARs and we are Still waiting, it’s not an Immigration issue it’s an Adoption Lawfirm issue help us Return home, totally twilight zone 😒 I last carried my baby at 2 years old it’s been 12 years I haven’t seen my baby daughter… help Close Loophole for Adoptees and give the All same rights
We are The United States of America, for which it’s stands one nation under god! Why are we still waiting for All Legal Adoptees are supposed to have same rights as all Adoptees now, How can you Keep American Families separated because of a “Date” I pledged allegiance to my US flag since Kindergarten thru Highschool into College, and totally feel abandon by my Adoptive country!!!!!!!! I almost was married to a US congressman! So why 😭 is this taking sooooooooo long! Bring us Home, we were All Legally Adopted as Children, how can sleep at night, knowing we are in another country, far away from our Promised American Family😭🇺🇸🙏 and do our American children deserve having to wait this long for missing Parent😒